The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 4

we create /pockets/ are created. every ending has a gap called and
culled divine. we leave our baggage there. rules develop. the gap
is fecund with rules. rules are based on exclusions: not this, not
that. remember this. rules are ordered disorder. order demands a
potential, potential well. the fragility of order is the

consider emptiness, absences, paradoxes, contradictions, riddles,
discourses on negation, on emptiness, on the middle way, on ways
veering through contradictions, on other ways, on paradoxes, on
word play and plays, on believing because absurd.

consider instead, in place of, adjacent to, in the neighborhood or
vicinity, the inadequate as inhering in the world, chaotically
glued to the world. the inadequate not as category, but as a
diffusion, murmuring, the exhaustion of the vector open at one
end, extending from an origin-original, opened as well, chaos at
the origin, copy and duplicate, not quite, chaos elsewhere,
failure of measurement, bad and unremembered dreaming, not dreams.

i woke this morning with a realization that there is none such; i
woke with words in my mouth; i woke with cotton in my mouth; the
less i knew, the truer it was. 1 is a prime; is (4^(4^1000))-1?
why bother with the calculation when 1,2,3 are satisfactory? it's
my failure i won't have anything to do with this. i don't have
enough time left in my life. my knowledge is inadequate; i don't
have the proper skills, i'd fail at this now and perhaps would
have failed at this then. i'm simply not smart enough. i would
probably fudge things. fudging is an entanglement of circum-
locutions. what does it matter; we all live in failure. we know
nothing of godhead because there's nothing to know, and with this
knowledge, we circumvent ignorance, failure, admitting the chaos
of worlding into us. the koan is the outcome, as is believing
because it is absurd. suture the inadequate, imbibe the idea of
the numinous or holy, and you've capped it momentarily; failure
turns into paradox, the white horse that is not white, three in
one and one in three, the multiplicity, the one.

once you have a gap, you have corrosion, the tensor splitting at
the level or sign of multiple vertices, high-speed categories and
arrows entangled with themselves and others, falling apart from
fictitious holes and wholes. think of this as the _shrug._

the shrug exits between dismissal and walking away, between the
admission of failure and the attitude of devil-may-care, between
the admission of failure and getting on with it, between dismissal
and abject apologetics, between apologetics and the back-handed
admission of the uselessness of the spiritual, between feeling
good and feeling anyhow, between the inadequate and bricolage,
which is making the best of it

and of course, of course

[so this is what i was sort of thinking of i think last night but
to be honest it might have been the night before last, and on top
of that worried about forgetting what i'm doing and going over the
way things seem to drop away as i get older, i mean it's just not
the same as it was yesterday is it or was it, and there seems no
end to it this way and probably any other]

===  ===  ===

culling, which comes from my childhood and family dynamics,
undercutting whatever i attempted, making me realize the
uselessness and ephemerality of the world. within the family, i
was the 'wastrel and nincompoop' as my father proclaimed - never
mind the anecdote. so i'd attempt something, withdraw from it at
the same time, mentally attack myself for the project in the first
place. this provided for example the improvised talk i'm giving in
the blue tape with kathy acker, a talk which was broken by sex, a
kind of self-mocking, theory giving way to the body. but now it's
a form of automated culling, which breaks my thought up, rendering
the inadequacy of my thought - and perhaps all thought - visible
for anyone to read - breaking down work previously carefully
crafted - the uselessness of the philosophical, the failure
inherent in the very nature of thinking, a nature broken,
ruptured, itself inadequate -

culling, transforming + / -

"intern inadequate. Monday Trocadero downstairs, showcase records.
he was an intern who was completely inadequate. Last Monday night
played burning cartload of bundles with a cup of water - an
utterly inadequate gesture inadequate to explain... inadequate
gratification. It was only post-coitum that the eye, as a life,
where she was inadequate, felt inhibited and depressed. he was
inadequate, felt inhibited and depressed.' that his work is
inadequate and futile. His need to test his own limits,
supplementation to our human needs remains always inadequate, Is
sampling always inadequate? Don't we make these decisions in the
first impedance western electric earphone, but these proved
inadequate for ontologies - or ontology - is inadequate to deal
same as .fact.ual and 'consciousness' (whatever is) apex
contradict said, inadequate .fact.ual simply inadequate. If the
basis changes. the landscape."

"record was more than inadequate for what it was, and what it
was/is certain and never having access to inadequate technology to
explore this area augmentsments which preclude an inadequate
knowledge of the species. Superficially, and never having access
to inadequate technology to explore this area breaches, is an
inadequate description. Holes appear in texts, in bodies, Since he
is buried beneath the ground, since there is no inadequate mark or
numbers can be inadequate for every application. In a similar
vein, one may way - are we going to have inadequate strategies of
interfacing with these is more than inadequate and reflects, in
any case, what the _numbed_ is, is coherent, and empirically
inadequate explanatory world-picture. This, never have conceived
on my own. i think of inadequate health-care and no answer
briefly: production. immediate possessing inadequate software
which precludes an inadequate knowledge of the species.
Superficially, and never having access to inadequate technology to
explore this area _obdurate_ _numbed,_ away! believe that
_sanctity,_ inadequate reflects, one way - are we going to have
inadequate strategies of interfacing with these immediate access
to computers possessing inadequate software for image/organism
releasing the beyond as an inadequate horizon. is more than
inadequate and reflects, in any case, what the _numbed_ is what is


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