Rush Storm Fury Music Guitar video

On the stucture of storms or what's heard within them or the
downfall of particular drops of water or the potential for
flooding and gathering against a semblance of music wrapping,
enveloping the community of minor windows and sprays. This
should not have been difficult but the editing was monstrous to
be sure, everything tettering, slightly off-balance, and then
the winds would pick up again and I'd be making additional
video, the sound already recorded with the Zoom against the
larger panes here, no problem with that, but the combination,
just getting it right, jumping from machine to machine and on
and on and on. Whtaever. The result works for me somewhat
astonishing that the parts merged or didn't merge appropriately.
Usually the labor is facile, this time it was goal-directed and
who has goals with a storm with no chaser needed, just out the
window, the dull roar everything around. As long as I can
produce something that I'm unsure of, that I haven't bvefore,the
more I continue to work, long covid and edyes closed

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