IKLECTIK presents,
w/ mathr [Claude Heiland-Allen + Laura Netz] Saturday 15 January 2022 | 12pm – 
Tickets: £25 General Admission (max 10 people) 


Workshop by mathr on live-coding audio in the C programming language using 

Clive is a C audio live-coding skeleton. It allows you to hot-swap digital 
signal processing callbacks, providing automatic C code recompilation, object 
code reloading, and state preservation. This enables you to perform live: when 
you hit "Save" in the text editor, the sound changes according to changes made 
in the code.

The workshop will get Clive running on your system, and cover the basics of 
Linux system administration and Git (a version control system) via the 
command-line interface. Then it will move on to digital signal processing, and 
various sound synthesis and modification techniques.

To participate, you need to bring headphones and your own laptop running a 
GNU/Linux OS. Note that Clive does not work on Windows or macOS. If you have a 
64bit Intel/AMD-compatible CPU (x86_64 or amd64; not i686; not arm; not aarch), 
and your system allows to boot from a USB stick, it is possible to run a custom 
Linux "live" operating system, without modifying your PC.


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