Hi marc- it's on Friday (14th)

I'll try to make it


On 9 January 2011 22:19, marc garrett <marc.garr...@furtherfield.org> wrote:
> 'Closed Circuit' - new live piece of work next week with the Showroom
> gallery. London/UK.
> Hi all, going to this event on Thursday. If you are also, see you there :-)
> wishing you well.
> marc
> ----------->
> Sent by Rod roddickinson.
> As places are a bit limited for the performance it is definitely best to
> book – either let me know if you are definitely coming or the Showroom
> i...@theshowroom.org.
> The piece is called 'Closed Circuit' and was made in collaboration with
> Steve Rushton. It explores the rhetoric of political speeches and
> government press briefings and their use as long-established tools for the
> management of crises, emergencies and conflict in democratic societies.
> Whether used as a mechanism propagating government policy or for raising a
> nation’s morale, the speech and press briefing are tried-and-trusted
> strategies from which politics is staged. Since the beginning of the
> televisual age, the government briefing has become locked into the
> circuitry of television and real time media. Just as the crisis is always
> in the present, the live-ness of television calls the present forward and
> this in turn shapes political and social reality.
> 'Closed Circuit' explores this looping, modular logic with a 25 minute
> performance set in a meticulously constructed press briefing environment
> and performed by actors Albert Welling and Bill Neenan.
> TIME: 7pm, 14th January
> PLACE: The Showroom, 63 Penfold Street, London NW8. (the performance will
> take place in the Cockpit theatre round the corner from the gallery but
> will be preceded by a talk by Richard Hornsey in the gallery).
> The performance is part of ‘Signal:Noise’ a 4 day series of events at the
> Showroom that includes talks by:
> Charlie Gere ‘La Cybernétique or Dark Cybernetics and the End of the
> Human’, Steve Rushton: ‘How Media Masters Reality’ and Richard Hornsey
> 'The Cybernetic Londoner: A Prehistory'.
> ‘Signal:Noise’ aims to explore the influence of cybernetics and
> information theory on contemporary cultural life by testing out its
> central idiom, ‘feedback’.
> As you can see from this brief synopsis the whole programme promises to be
> pretty fascinating – and I hope you’ll come to some of it.
> Rod
> http://www.theshowroom.org/research.html?id=161,363
> ‘Closed Circuit’ was originally commissioned and &#8232;produced by
> Aksioma Institute For Contemporary Arts, Ljubljana and is Supported by the
> Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Ljubljana
> and the Arts Council England
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