City As Material : collaborative zine-making events.

Proboscis is running a new series of events aiming to bring eclectic 
groups of people interested in making collaborative publications 
together on the theme of the city as the material for creative 
intervention as well as the site of production. We've set a series of 
topics (Streetscapes, River, Skyline, Underside & Sonic Geographies) and 
will be inviting special guests to each event to help shape the events. 
We'll use as the platform for making and producing 
each event's zine/publication, and we'll be using the bookleteer PPOD 
service to print a small edition of each publication which will be 
distributed to the participants.

The first event starts this Friday (15th October) on the topic of 
Streetscapes, with Tim Wright as our 
guest. There are places still available : you can book a place in 
advance via Eventbrite or take a chance and turn up on the day (first 
come, first serve).

The event is open to anyone : writers, planners, visual artists, 
architects, filmmakers, programmers, makers, historians, performers, 
social scientists, anthropologists, choreographers, game-makers... We're 
hoping to draw out some new perspectives on the city, branching off from 
some of the well-trodden practices (such as psychogeography).

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