Interesting discussion about artists, arts, gentrification, galleries,
auctions, fake prices, dealers, YBA's, originality ...


Darren Coffield is an artist and writer who feels the art world has become
so commercialised that it now exists only to serve the collector, the
speculator and the market.

In this episode of Meet the Renegades, Darren lifts the lid on how
contemporary artists actually become famous and how ‘the market’ has
created the art ‘industry.’

*"The idea of originality which was a great point of modernism, of modern
design; the idea of being original, of being true to yourself that's
completely gone out the window because you're now into commodification of

He explains that authenticity and originality have been stifled and extreme
gentrification has pushed many artists to survive on margin of society.

Airing on Free Speech TV
<> this week as well
as on our YouTube Channel


*Meet a Renegade...*

We were delighted to have Martin Sandbu on last week's *Meet The Renegades*.

His recent book, *Europe’s Orphan* attacks the current thinking of what
politicians and policy makers in Brussels and Frankfurt consider to be

Martin gives us some unconventional and fresh insight into the eurocrisis
and argues that the Euro has been the scapegoat for all of Europe’s current
economic problems.

Has the real problem been the fact that the real issue lays within our
leaders’ inability to think differently?

Watch here > <>


*The Dirty Little Debt Secret*

Ross Ashcroft speaks with Richard Vague - author of *The Next Economic
Disaster* - about his insights into private debt and why this seems to be
forbidden knowledge.

Listen here > <>

*Latest Blog *

*In Change We Trust*

As the lifespan of every company shortens, paying lip service to change is
dangerous and following the herd can be fatal.

As the behavioural economist Richard Thaler wryly notes, “*Worldly wisdom
teaches us that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally then to
succeed unconventionally.”*

Will Kemble-Clarkson shares his insights on how mature companies can
survive and thrive in an age of digitally-driven disruption - even when the
initial response is often that the “disruptive-age” sounds a bit far off in
the future.

Read here > <>

*Can Central Banks Bail Out The Economy Next Time Around?
<> *- Both
governments and big banks are keeping zombie companies on life support and
deepening their risk exposure. As governments borrow more the contagion
risk of sovereign debt, financial sector debt and real economy debt deepens.
Daniel Thurley

*Exclusion and its consequences
<>* - Make no
mistake, the purposeful exclusion of growing numbers from economic activity
is an integral aspect of the economic system. The argument that there is
'no alternative' to current arrangements carries with it an explicit
acceptance that economic ‘realities’ make full employment impossible. This
is utter nonsense, yet without fundamental change, exclusion will only get
An extract from The Survival Manual

*Robert McNamara’s 11 lessons from Vietnam*
<> - Note No. 6 - We
failed to draw Congress and the American people into a full and frank
discussion and debate of the pros and cons of a large-scale military
involvement … before we initiated the action.
As heard through Ian Gilbert

*"The cream rises until it sours."*
Dr. Laurence J. Peter

Many times we have worked with people who are out of their depth. Often
they slow things up so much you wonder how they were appointed. The Peter
Principle <> can
give some insight. It is a management practice where anything that works
will be used in progressively more challenging applications until it fails.
Including employees. It’s worth knowing about - especially now.

About Renegade Inc.

Renegade Inc. is a new mainstream media platform which creates and
broadcasts content aimed at those who think differently.  Its mission is to
inform, illuminate and inspire, focusing on three sectors: Rethinking
Business & Economics, Education fit for the future, and Inspirations for
culture and the creative arts.

Learn More > <>

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