
Goldsmiths Thursday Club Xmas party - Live coded

Thursday 16th December 2010
6:30pm sharp til 8:30pm
Goldsmiths Digital Studios, Ben Pimlott Building, Goldsmiths, London
Nearest tube: New Cross Gate or New Cross

Live coding is a new direction in electronic music and video, and is
starting to get somewhere interesting. Live coders expose and rewire
the innards of software while it generates improvised music and/or
visuals. All code manipulation is projected for your pleasure.


slub - Slub celebrate a decade since they first got a whole room of
people to dance to their code (at Amsterdam Paradiso), with a
hard-edged set of abstract acid with extra breakdowns.
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Wrongheaded - Conducting an algorithmic seance, where a ouiji board
control interface issues instructions from beyond the grave. Dimly lit
but for the flickering of gas-driven projector screens, the
protagonists will be appropriately moustachioed as they bring you
ethereal sounds from the underworld.

Thor Magnusson - Shaking, self-modified beats with ixilang, from the
co-founder of ixi audio.
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Michele Pasin - Audio/Visual temporal recursion with Impromptu.
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Forth + Yee-King - South Bank Common Lisp + SuperCollider synchronised
in percussive improv.
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Live coding is inclusive and accessible to all. Many live coding
environments can be downloaded and used for free, with documentation
and examples to get you started and friendly on-line communities to
help when you get problems. Popular live coding software includes
supercollider, ChucK, impromptu and fluxus. Live patching is live
coding with graph-based languages such as the venerable pure-data.
It's also possible to livecode with a gamepad, e.g. with the robot
oriented Al-Jazari.

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