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Mass 'human rights breaches' admitted and regretted by UK police at end
of historic case brought by climate campaigners

The largest and most expensive policing operation ever used against a
single UK protest (costing £5.3m - including substantial funding from
the Home Office) involved 26 police forces for 2 weeks. For 7 days in
August 2008 those forces, led by Kent Police, carried out a continuous,
systematic and unlawful mass stop and search regime against the public
(including a number of people involved in the Sustainable Haringey
network). The aim was to try to intimidate, disrupt and isolate those
attending the climate camp near Kingsnorth coal fired power station.
Despite police harassment and violence, 1,500-2,000 determined activists
managed to organise a highly successful week of public events. They also
monitored and challenged the police operation. The week-long camp
involved extensive discussions and workshops, collective sustainable
living, fun for all ages, protests and direct action against government
plans to expand coal-fired energy production at the site. Campaigners
were calling for non-polluting energy sources to replace coal in the
light of fossil fuel's disastrous contribution to greenhouse gases and
climate change. Mainly as a result of the protests, the power station's
expansion plans have since been suspended.

On 29th January 2010 in the High Court in London, 3 claimants chosen as
test cases won their case against the police operation when Kent Police
admitted 'total surrender'. The three claimants, Haringey resident Dave
Morris and 2 children (who can't be named as they are minors), were
represented by Bindmans Solicitors. The police accepted an Order that
the searches of the claimants had been 'unlawful', and constituted a
violation of their human rights to privacy (breach of Article 8 of the
European Convention on Human Rights), to freedom of expression (breach
of Article 10) and freedom of association (breach of Article 11). Over
3,500 Kingsnorth searches, carried out under 'PACE 1' laws in a similar
way at that time, would also have been unlawful. Many of those searched
under such laws are now sueing the police and submiting claims for

On June 7th 2010, the case was finally concluded with a historic public
admission by the Kent police, which they must circulate to all other UK
police forces, regretting mass human rights breaches.

Now read on! ......

Kent police ‘learns the lesson’ of £5.3 million policing operation that
resulted in mass human rights breaches
Bindmans press release: 9 June 2010

Climate Camp protestors have received an unqualified apology from Kent
police for subjecting them to unlawful searches, together with a
commitment to disseminate the lessons learned to every police force in
the UK and a modest amount of compensation.

The settlement brings to an end test case litigation brought by veteran
activist Dave Morris and 11 year old twins who were attending the
Climate Camp at Kingsnorth in July 2008 as their first political event.

Some three thousand five hundred stop and searches were carried out at
Kingsnorth pursuant to the unlawful policy. It was set out in a secret,
‘Police eyes only’ briefing document known as ‘Slide 18’, the existence
of which was only revealed immediately before the final court hearing.
Kent Police had previously argued that searching officers had the
necessary individual suspicion to justify every search.

In January the Divisional Court held that there had been human rights
breaches in each of the test cases but referred the question of what
redress needed to be made to the County Court if it could not be agreed.
A settlement has now been reached under which the new Chief Constable of
Kent will write to every other force stating: “During the Operation… a
briefing was issued which did not give reasonable grounds to stop and
search the Claimants under section 1 PACE. The material part … headed
Slide 18, is also attached to this letter. As the October 2008 review
undertaken by the National Police Improvement Agency found, this was
interpreted as an instruction to search everyone. This interpretation by
Officers within these circumstances has led Kent Police to face what it
is we face today. Many people were searched as a result of these
briefings. That should not have happened.

I accept that the combination of the act of stopping and searching these
individuals breached their rights under Articles 8, 10 and 11 ECHR and
lessons must be learned.”  

The solicitor acting for Mr. Morris and the twins John Halford from
Bindmans LLP commented:

“Kent Police has been forced to make a remarkable admission, thanks to
this test case. It is that the outcome of one of the most expensive
policing operations ever in the UK was the violation of the human rights
to protest on a massive scale. That such an admission has now been made
in a letter to be sent to every other force, coupled with Kent’s avowed
commitment to learn lessons from what happened, is welcomed. That human
rights breaches occurred on this scale, were not identified by the two
internal police investigations into the operation, and ultimately had to
be exposed by the activist and two tenacious children and who brought
this case says something very worrying about policing of peaceful
protest about vital issues like climate change.”

Dave Morris commented:

“The key issue in this case is the threat of catastrophic climate change
hanging over us and future generations. Everyone therefore has a duty to
take immediate and effective action, including collective direct action,
to transform polluting industries into sustainable ones. This issue is
far too important and urgent to let ourselves be intimidated or deterred
by police violence, corporate greed or government propaganda. We are all
climate activists now! Together, in every community and workplace, we
must work together to ensure the fastest possible transition to a
sustainable low-carbon society. We call for climate action everywhere.”

The case was supported throughout by the Legal Services Commission but
Kent Police will bear the cost of the litigation.

Please click to view Slide 18;
the full text of the agreed settlement order, apology and letter to
other forces; and some related press coverage. 

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