Frustratingly short notice I know but just in case this is both enticing AND possible for some Londoners.....

PeerInvestment – OpenTechnology Partnerships

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When? 21st March 2007, 1.30pm – 5.30pm - Buffet lunch at 1.30pm and after event drinks at 5.30pm | Where? The Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4QH | Map link

A half day enterprise forum exploring models of collaboration in the field of OpenTechnology. Whether it's businesses or the cultural and voluntary sector, Open Source Software and the Internet have provided the freedom to build technologies to suit your creative needs. However it still takes substantial resources and knowhow to realise your project.

PeerInvestment aims to show how partnerships using public domain working models can benefit initiatives, enterprises and projects of all scales. Our focus for this event will be on Open Source Software; developer communities, forming open development projects, sharing costs on a project, or working in large scale consortiums.

PeerInvestment wants to emphasize that outside traditional business models, new business concepts have emerged based on the shared values of cooperation, information sharing, peer review and transparency.

**The program**

- Intro and survey of OpenBusiness models and OpenTechnology (OT) by Simon Worthington & Christian Ahlert
- SME Innovation Support Programme intro Martin Cooke
- - Launch of a new London based OT/FLOSS project development network by Saul Albert
- OpenBusiness business models, Christian Ahlert
- Two relatively short presentations would profile existing investment and partnership projects;Drupal UK group by Peter Brownell, second speaker TBC
- Participants Open Mic presentations of projects
- Discussion on viability of partnership models profiled
- London Innovations fund business clinic

The event will be part of a series of networking meeting covering the areas of OpenTechnology and OpenCulture

**What is OpenTechnology?** - Free software, Free networks, Free hardware standards, Peer2Peer networking, Open standards, Open content, Open IP agreements, +

**Organisers** - OpenMute in association with OpenBusiness & MiniBar

**Sponsors** - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), London Development Agency (LDA), LDA SME Innovation Support Programme, ANGLE plc


Yours the OpenMute team and partners, March 2007

PS If you've not had enough then dorkbot london #46 follows later in the evening


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