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Radical DIY Book now for a free evening event with the artist-makers of
extraordinary and poetic machines

Hojun Song, Open Source Satellite Initiative


The Arts Catalyst, 50-54 Cerkenwell Road, London EC1M 5PS 

6pm doors and bar open
talks from 6.30-8pm, Tuesday 30 October 2012

Come and meet a group of international artists who make extraordinary and poetic
machines: homemade satellites, wooden electronic instruments, and rainbow and
tornado generators. Together, their work provides a quirky and compelling
critique of the allure and production of technology.

Korean artist Hojun Song has built a fully functioning satellite. His tiny
satellite is a DIY engineering masterpiece: he hacked together a solar cell, a
lithium-ion battery, an Arduino board, and four powerful LED lights. The cube
will transmit Morse code messages that can be seen from back on Earth. He has
set up the Open Source Satellite Initiative to ensure others can follow. In
2010, he made the Strongest Weapon in the World - I Love You. If you hit it –
with an extremely large mallet - it says “I love you”. It can withstand a
nuclear attack.

Alistair McClymont makes night-time rainbows, suspends raindrops in mid-air and
creates tornadoes with deceptively simple machines. A UK based artist working in
sculpture, photography and video, McClymont describes these as ‘phenomena’
artworks, in which he tries to capture natural, often overlooked occurrences and
evoke a sense of wonder.

Other guests to be confirmed....

This is a free event but as we have limited capacity we'd appreciate it if you


1. http://www.artscatalyst.org/experiencelearning/detail/radical_diy
2. http://www.artscatalyst.org/experiencelearning/detail/radical_diy
3. http://www.artscatalyst.org/about/visiting/
4. http://www.eventbrite.com/event/4619196140

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