Trailer for “RiP: A Remix Manifesto” Released.

"Imagine a world where ideas and culture, from “Happy Birthday” to
Mickey Mouse, are horded under lock and key by copyright laws. Even
ideas that could lead to a cure for cancer would be off-limits. Stop
imagining now, because this is the world you live in. Although pop
culture giants such as Walt Disney and the Rolling Stones built on the
past to produce their art, the door is closing behind them." Lessig.

The new trailer for RiP: A Remix Manifesto - the Girl Talk featuring,
community edited documentary that focuses on copyright and remix
culture - was posted online recently and looks to be coming along
excellently. The trailer features clips with Greg Gillis, Cory
Doctorow, Lawrence Lessig, and a slew of other big names in the
copyright/remix world. From Opensource Cinema: Footage from the film
is being continuously posted to RiP’s remix site for viewers to see an
remix - similarly the soundtrack is being created collaboratively
online by the ccMixter community.


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