[NetBehaviour] essence of annihilation

2017-10-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

essence of annihilation


"We live by constant canceling."

- Richard Nonas

k8% apropos cancel > zz; perl a/eliminate.pl < zz > yy; pico yy

cancel (1)  jobs
cancels existing print jobs. The -a option will remove all from
the specified destination. following options are recognized by
cancel: 5 -E Forces encryption when connecting to server. -U
username Specifies use... pthread_setcancelstate (3) set
cancelability state ...cancelability which may be encoded in two
bits: Cancelability Enable When is PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE ,
cancellation requests against target thread held pending. Type
enabled and type PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS new or pending
cancellation... lprm that have been queued for printing. If no
arguments supplied, current job on default destination
cancelled. You can specify one more ID numbers those use the...
Tcl_CancelEval Tcl scripts 15 Tcl_Interp Interpreter script.
Tcl_Obj Error message cancellation, NULL a message. not NULL,
this object its reference count decremented before returns.
15... pthread_cancel execution of ...is point. This default.
available points listed pthread_setcanceltype(3) . : canceled at
any time. reacts request, occur: cleanup... aio_cancel an
outstanding asynchronous I/O operation (REALTIME) system call
request file descriptor fildes aiocbp specified, only specific
Normal notification occurs cancelled requests. Requests
complete... mly (4) Mylex AcceleRAID/eXtremeRAID family driver
...d:%d manual rebuild started mly%d: physical device %d:%d
completed failed unknown reasons failed... intro (2)
introduction calls error ...An attempt was made change parameter
unsupported value. 87 ECANCELED Operation requested canceled. 88
EBADMSG Bad corrupt A catalog did satisfy implementation...
sasl_server_init sasl_server_new sasl_server_start sasl_listmech
sasl_server_step - SASL server authentication functions. ...0.8i
SASL_BADPARAM config 0.8i SASL_NOMECH mechanism meet properties
SASL_NOMEM enough memory complete SASL_BADPROT protocol
incorrect/cancelled SASL_BADSERV mutual sasl_client_init
sasl_client_new sasl_client_start sasl_client_step client
aio_write write ...or number bytes aiocbp->aio_nbytes valid.
successfully enqueued, but subsequently occurs, value returned
aio_return per write(2) call... aio_read read ...the file,
beyond aiocbp->aio_fildes offset maximum. read(2) after (n)
Execute command time delay ...identifier used delayed using
cancel. id Cancels previously scheduled. Id indicates should
canceled;  it must return... pthread_once dynamic package
initialization ...whether associated routine has called.
function However, if init_routine () point cancelled, effect
once_control as never constant PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT... Tk::after
...ms, so until $widget->afterCancel($id) 4 $id->cancel $id
return value... tinews.pl Post sign article via NNTP ...yes"
header send out mail-copies. Cancel-Lock secret defined
automatically add Cancel-Lock: (and Cancel-Key: required)
header. input unix line endings (http://localhost:631/help pmc
performance-monitoring counter interface ...time(1) follows: h
Display list performance events system. C Cancel counters
currently running. c event Count while running command...
cupsctl configure cupsd.conf ...SLP protocols.
--[no-]share-printers Enables disables sharing local printers
with other computers. --[no-]user-cancel-any Allows prevents
users canceling owned others. cupsd.conf(5), cupsd(8),
Tk::Animation sequence Tk::Photo images ...internal array
"Photo" images. "start_animation($period)" then initiates
"repeat" $period through these "stop_animation" resets image
first sequence. "add_frames" method adds to... pthread_exit
terminate calling ...join terminating thread. Any cleanup
handlers pushed yet popped reverse order they were executed.
After executed, tk_messageBox pops up window waits user
response. ...and 18 retrycancel Displays buttons whose symbolic
names retry yesno yes no. yesnocancel three yes, message...
Tk_ClearSelection Deselect selection ...selection cleared
display containing window. Atom name cleared.  atom tkwin. need
tkwin... cupsdisable stop/start classes ...of connection Uses -c
named port. -r "reason... SSL_alert_type_string get textual
description alert information ...a allocation failure). always
fatal. "US"/"user canceled" handshake being some reason
unrelated failure. complete, just closing pthread_join wait
termination ...results multiple simultaneous specifying same
undefined. detached. exited remains unjoined counts
[ ... ]

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Maecenas

2017-10-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

I noticed this -

"Maecenas touts itself as a blockchain platform that, according to its 
creators, will democratise access to fine art. For the first time, the 
Maecenas website enthuses, technology will allow investors, collectors and 
owners to exchange shares in paintings and sculptures instantly, akin to 
the way stocks of a company are traded today."

This does NOT democratise access to art; it's nothing more than a secure 
way to protect and exchange's one investment - which plays into the notion 
of enclaving described in Mike Davis' City of Quartz (think it was written 
in the 80s). Art has to RESIST enclaving, unless one accepts useless 
decoration and connoisseurship as the only form of art worth considering.

One of the amazing things about Furtherfield is, at least as far as I can 
tell, it itself is a form of resistance! I'd thank God for this, but given 
the state of things on the planet, I wouldn't want to burden Her with more 

- Alan
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] ArtReview: Will the Blockchain make Art Disappear?

2017-10-06 Thread Edward Picot
More about the blockchain - this time an article about Maecenas, a 'new 
art registry and trading platform'.

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] of thinking through years, the 'grasp' or the known'

2017-10-06 Thread Edward Picot


On 05/10/17 01:11, Alan Sondheim wrote:

of thinking through years, the 'grasp' or the known'


- - -

well, i wrote that in 1974, many years ago. well, that was 43
years ago to be exact.

well, it was almost half a century ago. a lot of things happen
in half a century. well, it feels a lot closer than that, just
yesterday or even today, today in the late morning or around
noon. on the other side of noon perhaps.

well, that's what happens. that's always what happens. and it
gives you pause.

it gives anyone pause.

it gives pause because it's that way, and you know implicitly,
that the interval will grow every day. well, it will keep on
growing, day after day.

other things will intervene. other things will come along, it
will become part of the usual course of history. well, by that i
mean that things recede, no matter what, that people die, new
people, new events, occur. it's always like that.

well, as you grow older, you get to see this happen, history
growing, everything forgotten, no matter what it is. and a half
century seems an inconceivable amount of time. there aren't even
that many century, it just seems to be overloaded, all of that.

then you move away from these things, don't you. you move away
because, well, it doesn't make sense to hold onto things, not
under these conditions. so you move away. well, that's not
entirely true, what is true is that you're moved away, you have
no choice in the matter. you're a witness to the moving.

well, there's no one you can talk to about this. that's true,
it's cone constantly narrowing, separating from all the others.
well, by death and experience. yes, and by enumeration as well,
these things which come along, pass by. we mourn people and
events no one else has ever heard of, no one else has been
there, not now, not ever.

well, this is the condition of the world, isn't it. or the
condition of the world as we know it, these passings which are
forms of universal decathecting, detaching, letting-go. well,
all of that happens of its own accord, we have no say in the
matter, then we'll be gone, soon, and we'll be part of this.
well we want our names at the very least to be there, at least
for a little while, on our passing.

and our things, the care we've taken or not taken with our
things, we want those to survive, to breathe just a little while
longer, isn't that the case.

well, i suppose it's the case, something else we have no control
over, something else that's already evaded us in a perverse form
of the future anterior, we can't grasp that.

we can't grasp anything, can we. or we can grasp things, just
for a short while, the shortest while, and the noise is always
there, always moving, the incredible granularity of the real,
and a kind of dust or sinter, we're there within it, there's no

it's as if there's a calling or a calling-forth that we must
answer, that's an imperative, that leaves us choiceless, not
even the semblance of a choice. and that goes all the way back,
i close my eyes, clothe my eyes, and already there are
recessions, lapses, gaps in everything all the way back, 1974 or
the subduction of 1974 or any other year, the grasping too is
absorbed, vanquished, well, not vanquished, that movement
though, always continuing, even the vanquishing becomes a
whisper, a collocation of particles already separating, the buzz
of gravitational waves, dark matter, neutrino transformations,
anything we might name now, giving a name to something just as
the names are already disappearing, already the uncanniness of
unaccountable vanishings, and, well, that's one way to look at
it, and ways, and lookings, disappearing as well, soon almost a
century, corrosions of databases, sparks across any conceivable
form of storage, all those useless protocols. well, just think,
though, for the moment. that moment has already fled, what we're
part of is completely determined, not by anything, not even by
blind or mute mechanisms, not by automata or control, not by the
dreams of eternal life or wars spanning galaxies, or federations
across globular clusters, none of that. well, then it's
universal momentum, it happens, there's nothing outside of this

well, that's exactly it, there's nothing outside of it, nothing
inside of it, it doesn't matter where we're staying if we're
staying. well, or when for that matter.

well i remember, a few years back, neti neti, which i think of
as not this, not that, but now i think, momentum.

well, it doesn't matter what you think.

well, it doesn't matter at all, does it, it's always already
gone, this thought or that, this place or that, a splinter or
fold in a piece of paper, the suspension of a vase by a spring,
a sprig carried by a stranger, someone we have always known.

well, we have always known this, haven't we. we have always

this is the 'grasp' or the 'known.'

[NetBehaviour] calm these spaces in troubled times

2017-10-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

calm these spaces in troubled times

  docklands, east providence
  great white egret, east providence
  latenight great blue feeding (30 second exposure)
  docklands, east providence
  pigeon wings, young peregrine falcon meal remains
  latenight fish migration (30 second exposure)

and please please give to Puerto Rican hurricane relief
thank you

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