[living@the-dream ~]$ ls /mnt/terrafirma/
ls: cannot open directory /mnt/terrafirma/: Permission denied
[living@the-dream ~]$ grep terrafirma /etc/fstab
# read/write NFS terrafirma mount:
terrafirma:/ /mnt/terrafirma/ nfs4 sec=krb5,rw,users,noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=1imeo=14,noatime 0 0
[living@the-dream ~]$ kinit
Password for liv...@calligraphy.pen:
[living@the-dream ~]$ ls /mnt/terrafirma/
cost memories footsteps
[living@the-dream ~]$ touch /mnt/terrafirma/
touch: setting times of '/mnt/terrafirma/': Read-only file system
[living@the-dream ~]$ touch /mnt/terrafirma/cost/
touch: setting times of '/mnt/terrafirma/cost/': Permission denied
[living@the-dream ~]$ touch /mnt/terrafirma/memories/
touch: setting times of '/mnt/terrafirma/memories/': Read-only file system
[living@the-dream ~]$ touch /mnt/terrafirma/footsteps/
[living@the-dream ~]$ kdestroy
[living@the-dream ~]$ ls /mnt/terrafirma/
cost memories footsteps
[living@the-dream ~]$ umount /mnt/terrafirma
[living@the-dream ~]$ ls /mnt/terrafirma/
ls: cannot open directory /mnt/terrafirma/: Permission denied
[living@the-dream ~]$ umount /mnt/terrafirma
[living@the-dream ~]$ umount /mnt/terrafirma
umount: /mnt/terrafirma: umount failed: Operation not permitted
[living@the-dream ~]$ sudo systemctl stop mnt-terrafirma.automount
[sudo] password for living:
[living@the-dream ~]$ ls /mnt/terrafirma/
[living@the-dream ~]$ kinit
Password for liv...@calligraphy.pen:
[living@the-dream ~]$ ls /mnt/terrafirma/
[living@the-dream ~]$ mount /mnt/terrafirma/
[living@the-dream ~]$ ls /mnt/terrafirma/
cost memories footsteps
[living@the-dream ~]$ kdestroy
[living@the-dream ~]$ kinit
Password for liv...@calligraphy.pen:
[living@the-dream ~]$ kinit
Password for liv...@calligraphy.pen:
kinit: Password read interrupted while getting initial credentials
[living@the-dream ~]$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_2015
Default principal: liv...@calligraphy.pen

Valid starting Expires Service principal
20/06/15 22:04:18 21/06/15 08:04:18 krbtgt/calligraphy....@calligraphy.pen
renew until 21/06/15 22:04:14
[living@the-dream ~]$ hostname
[living@the-dream ~]$ hostname -f
[living@the-dream ~]$ id
uid=2015(living) gid=2015(flagrant) groups=2015(flagrant),10(wheel),92(audio),95(storage),1101(printadmin),1108(lp),1109(scanner)
[living@the-dream ~]$

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