Dear Coleagues, 

We published an article on the Future of Book and how Artificial intelligence, 
big data, and virtual reality are set to change the book world over the next 
ten years.

The book to come by  Javier Celaya 

As innovations like driverless cars and trains, smart vacuum cleaners and smart 
fridges, and exercise and dream tracking programs become part of our everyday 
lives. Could we really expect books to remain unchanged? The artificial 
intelligence and big data boom is likely to radically change the way we access 
and consume all kinds of cultural content. In the midst of the current 
uncertainty and change, we try our hand at forecasting and venture to predict 
the future of the book.

We hope you like it!
Best regards from Barcelona,

Maria Farràs / 
933 064 100
@cccblab / Blog LAB / Cultural Innovation International Prize / Kosmopolis. 
Amplified Literature Fest 

Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona
T 933 064 100 /



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