Violence of Nightmare Thought

more than anything I do wish for nuclear annihilation, this
rampant species collapsed like a broken juggurnaut on a plain or
mountain, on a boat or at the bottom of the sea. I'm sick of it,
this half-life we live beneath other more elemental half-lives;
I'm sick of the debris the species leaves everywhere - beyond
its own meager journeys - there at the bottom, or among the ions
where stratospheric trash makes the slightest journey impossibly
hazardous. our leaders are defined as leaders simply because
they have command of thermonuclear power; they walk and talk
like the rest of us; it's the leverage that's different.

and the insanity of their every movement, every word uttered as
acidic drool. it makes me and everyone I know sick. let
annihilation come quickly, and without a doubt, doubtless, and
nothing at that point, therefore, will ever be the same. in any
case, people are already dying like flies, fleeing one or
another country, people are already doing inconceivably ugly
acts to one another. they'll bring everything into play, plants
and animals, all the new orders we've discovered, just to bring
them to a halt. it's time to stop pretending.

the world curdles with overpopulation, rampant militarism, the
ugly enclaved rich, global heat, melting ice, atmospheric and
water-born poisons; what's left in the trash is slow death,
infinite pain and fear, the future feature of annihilation to
the limit. better to punctuate this quickly, bring our so-called
leaders down to the size of the rest of us; nuclear annihilation
cuts through the fanciest resorts, reduces all of us to ash.
sooner or later something will replace the world as we know it,
another world, not out of the ashes, but out of plastic sludge
and heated basins, potential wells, of continued nuclear fury.
this is the fundamental chemistry of the world: cultures as
catalysts for annihilation, self-destruction using up our
momentary resources. our oils will be their oils, will be us.

we can't stand it any more, we refuse to accept life lived under
such conditions of depression and anxiety that we might as well
be dead. to act on this, on the 'might as well,' is to be at
least honest, to turn brutally and bravely towards the cessation
of pain - in other words, to annihilate ourselves from the
inside out, saving what's left of the ravaged world for others
perhaps not so sentient, perhaps nothing more than diacritical
remarkings on our own species which is busy dooming all the

why resist our so-called 'president' or thug in charge of
nothing more than four-thousand nuclear warheads. or more? why
concern ourselves with global warming which is non-existent,
surely creating non-existent flooding, 1/3 of Bangladesh under
water. I'm utterly sick of water, the basis of life, but slowly
choking us and every other living thing to death. better have it
once and for all. our so-called 'leader' or thug of dprk, in
charge of a few dozen nuclear warheads, has the right idea, the
juche idea, the idea/l of the leader, of the rampant dissolution
of the planet such as it is - the right idea, the cessation of
the world as we or anyone else might know it - the annihilation
which is almost tantric in effect, nuclear chakras at war with
one another, collapse of enormous forces into enormous forces,
inconceivable pressures and temperatures, inconceivable speed -
and then the long slow radioactive inadaptations cleansing out
the rest of the brutality - which for too long has been one-
to-one - knives and guns, bombs, mace, acid, burning alive,
crucifixions, beheadings - it's all there, already a dead and
exhausted litany, a poor excuse for a news story - battles
everywhere, water drying up in one place, flooding in another -
we keep building on flood plains, killing every vulnerable (and
not-so-vulnerable) ecosystem in sight -

it's time to end the charade, which has never been a charade I
maintain, ways of life and death, forms of habitus, corrals,
stockades. too much misery for too long, too much death, and all
of us are cowards yammering against suicide, talking about the
preciousness of life, and at the same time treating life as the
trash it obviously is. we have nothing to lose, I say bring it
on, bring it in, bring it up, bring the whole thing down. I say
clearly there's no end time except what we make of it all. I say
let accelerationism grind us into dust and stop the rhetoric. I
say we have nothing to gain staying here at the site of the
crash which will continue - unless we annihilate the crash

and that takes fission, fusion, not even much imagination. and
if we were around we'd be grateful for it. we should hope beyond
hope our Leaders do the right thing - With All the Means at
Their Disposal - nothing more than a few buttons pushed, perhaps
a phone-call, last words uttered here, Hello.


< mountain, on a boat or at the bottom of the sea. I'm sick of it,
mountin, on a boat or at the bottom of the sea. I'm sick of it,
< its own meager journeys - there at the bottom, or among the ions
its own meagre journies - there at the bottom, or among the ions
< this is the fundamental chemistry of the world: cultures as
this is the fundamental chemistery of the world: cultures as
< once and for all. our so-called 'leader' or thug of North Korea, in
once and for all. our so-called 'leader' or thug of Nkorea, in
< to-one - knives and guns, bombs, mace, acid, burning alive,
to-one - knives and guns, bomgs, mace, acid, burning alive,
< we keep building on flood plains, killing every vulnerable (and
we keep building on floodplains, killing every vulnerable (and
< let accelerationism grind us into dust and stop the rhetoric. I
let acceslerationism grind us into dust and stop the rhetoric. I
< a phone-call, last words uttered here, Hello.
a phonecall, last words uttered here, Hello.

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