On 4/19/2020 4:25 AM, John m0t wrote:
I have this problem from the first boot after installation.
The memory usage is normal but it grows exponentially.
The memory that gets consumed won't be returned to the system.
after 14hrs of computer just setting idle the memory would grow about 5GB.
at first I thought it is about firefox but removing it from the equation did 
the whole system is the culprit.
You said you removed firefox from the equation, but your ps aux output at https://0bin.net/paste/AealNVh6Ucdp3ofe#3UoTuH-L9tsD8ewXi20s+2BGUWAE9LqEfAgSkkXEznQ shows /usr/pkg/lib/firefox/firefox using many gigabytes of memory.

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