Just to advise that installing and running Payara now works for me on
Windows 10 using NetBeans 11.1-beta3, without needing any Payara plugins.

I just did the following:
- Uninstalled NetBeans 11.1-beta2 using uninstall.exe.
- Deleted the associated 11.1 user and cache directories. (This was
- Installed NetBeans 11.1-beta3 using OpenJDK 11.0.2.
- Activated most of the installed plugins that were not active.
- I did not install any new plugins.
- In the Services panel: *Servers > Add Server > Payara Server*.
- Within the *Add Server Instance* wizard, I created a new
directory C:\PayaraVersion5192, and downloaded Payara 5.192 into it. The
"Finding Feature" problem in beta2 that prevented this from working has
been resolved.
- The Payara server was successfully created, and it started successfully.
(The log contains a lot of "...*SSL certificate has expired...*" messages
that can safely be ignored.)
- I created a "Hello world" EE 8 web app, and successfully ran it on the
Payara server.



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