On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 11:39:05AM -0400, Vlad Yasevich wrote:
> Hi All
> I am trying to understand if it is a good idea to have cloned skbs
> reside on a frag_list?
> I've ran into a situation with SCTP, where it is possible to create
> infinite recursion loops by having cloned skbs reside on a frag_list.
> We end up in a situation where have two clones skb1 and skb2 that are
> clones of the same original skb.  Then we try adding skb2 to the
> frag_list of skb1.  Since both skb1 and skb2 share the skb_shared_info
> structure, skb2's frag_list now points to skb2 creating a loop.
> This situation also appears to cause a memory leak where skb2 and the
> actual data are not freed, because calling kfree_skb(skb1) should really
> free the frag_list, but we can't do that because the skb on the frag
> list holds the dataref on the same data.
> Can anyone say that putting clones on the frag_list is a BAD THING (tm)
> and shouldn't be done?  Or is there a way around it?
> Thanks you
> -vlad
I would think that almost by definition having a cloned skb be on its own frag
list would be a bad thing.  IIRC fragmented ip packets allocate a sk_buff for
the sole purpose of being the list leader in a fragmented packet.


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