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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: SQL query export for subnets and location (Oliver Gorwits)
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Michael

Yes, I share the feeling that config is sometimes the only way to get
knowledge if the APIs (SNMP, HTTP, etc) are not there. A sad situation for
what could be standardised, but that's humans, eh ;-).

SNMP::Info is fab for SNMP and smoothing over the vendor cracks, but is
limited to that API. I've been following the Python Napalm project for a
while which does a fair job of gathering facts at CLI/HTTP, and has
potential for more.

Our development time is limited and I'd rather not reinvent the wheel. I am
steadily inching towards a picture of Netdisco 3, especially as the feature
needs in Netdisco 2 are slowing down a lot, now, and it's more vendor
support where we have tickets.


On Fri, 13 Oct 2023 at 16:27, Michael Butash <> wrote:

> Agreed L2 info between vendors is somewhat unreliable (particularly
> outside cisco vtp mibs), I forgot about that aspect, more assuming most
> vlan interface names would reflect it being like you said ala cisco
> "interface Vlan200" and needing some assumption that really *is* a vlan to
> match against and extrapolate the VID there.  Of course now add the other
> white meat of cisco routers using "Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2.200" as a
> vlan gets even harder, and that's just cisco.
> Good news is at least the L3 interfaces, ip addresses, and descriptions
> are there to associate, you can mostly figure out which of those are
> related to vlans vs say an ip directly on a port directly to parse out one
> way or another which are vlan-related.
> Having some experience with Netbrain (which I usually call Netdisco on
> steroids) last year, it does a nice job of painting a whole picture by
> pulling in configurations also to glean vlan relations better that way vs
> just snmp to define topologies, but you get what you pay for and it's
> expensive.  Would be nice to see netdisco ssh collector jobs grab those
> bits and enrich missing data like the arp and vrf/routing tables for L2 as
> well.
> -mb
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 6:10 AM Oliver Gorwits <> wrote:
>> Hi Muris and Michael
>> For some reason I didn't get the original email so double thanks to
>> Michael for following up, and also I'm pleased to see the SQL report
>> feature being well used!
>> Anyway, in answer to the specific question of subnet (IP prefix) vs.
>> location, I have some bad news. Here's a quote from the wishlist item
>> <>:
>> As far as I can tell, this is not possible with Netdisco. This is
>>> because:
>>>    - vlan (switchport interfaces) is a layer 2 concept, does not know
>>>    about IPs
>>>    - subnet (IP Prefix) is a layer 3 concept, and independent of vlans
>>> The only way to do this would be to somehow know the *layer 3 virtual
>>> interfaces* which exist within vlans (e.g. in Cisco speak, interface
>>> Vlan123) and then use the prefixes assigned to them to map back to Vlans.
>>> But I don't think Netdisco does this or stores the data needed to work it
>>> out (and then there would need to be assumptions about the virtual
>>> interfaces).
>> I did check some networks I run Netdisco on, and it would be possible but
>> not in a reliable way. For example some device interfaces are type l3ipvlan
>> and have IP prefixes (yay!) but I can't see Netdisco picking up vlan
>> information for them (boo!) so we are stuck. I guess there could be a rule
>> like if the interface is "Vlan123" then we assume VLAN 123 but it wouldn't
>> be reliable/safe.
>> If someone really wants to go ahead with the above, as Michael says it
>> can be put into a suitably fancy SQL query, it doesn't need more features
>> in Netdisco (unless getting VLANs of a type l3ipvlan interface is a missing
>> feature).
>> Regards
>> Oliver.
>> On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 at 00:12, Michael Butash <> wrote:
>>> This will give a full dump, but not quite what he was meaning I think.
>>> You want to assemble an output from the DB with the subnet to vlan
>>> mapping with descriptions and device, which is all there in various
>>> tables.  You'll probably want to learn some basic postgres sql navigation
>>> and syntax like I had to, and simply find what tables have the bits you
>>> want.  You know what you want, then just figure out how to relate the data
>>> and present it.
>>> I had to do this at the time to format some custom reports for some
>>> specific info none of the canned methods did, so I had to learn the db
>>> enough to find where the data was in what tables, relate them via joins,
>>> and used that to create the output as a report in netdisco.
>>> Alternatively, it might be worth having a postgres navigation tool,
>>> there are many out there to simply browse the data tables like a human to
>>> figure out what tables, columns, rows to pull the data from.
>>> Here's an example of a custom sql report I added to my netdisco yml:
>>>   - tag: device-cdp-neighbor-inventory
>>>     label: 'Custom - Device CDP Neighbor Inventory'
>>>     category: Device
>>>     columns:
>>>     - { device_hostname: Device_Hostname}
>>>     - { device_ip: Device_IP}
>>>     - { device_dns: Device_DNS}
>>>     - { device_port: Device_Port}
>>>     - { device_name: Device_Port_Description}
>>>     - { device_up: Device_Port_Status}
>>>     - { device_vendor: Device_Vendor}
>>>     - { device_os: Device_OS}
>>>     - { device_osver: Device_OS_Version}
>>>     - { remote_id: CDP_Neighbor_Hostname}
>>>     - { remote_ip: CDP_Neighbor_IP}
>>>     - { remote_port: CDP_Neighbor_Port}
>>>     - { remote_type: CDP_Neighbor_Model}
>>>     - { remote_creation: CDP_Neighbor_Created}
>>>     query: |
>>>       SELECT AS device_hostname, device.ip, device.dns AS
>>> device_dns, device.vendor AS device_vendor, device.os AS device_os,
>>> device.os_ver AS device_osver, device_port.ip AS device_ip,
>>> device_port.port AS device_port, AS device_name,
>>> device_port.up AS device_up, device_port.remote_id AS remote_id,
>>> device_port.remote_ip AS remote_ip, device_port.remote_port AS remote_port,
>>> device_port.remote_type AS remote_type, device_port.creation AS
>>> remote_creation
>>>       FROM device_port
>>>       LEFT JOIN device
>>>         ON device_port.ip = device.ip
>>>       WHERE device_port.remote_id IS NOT NULL
>>>       ORDER BY device_port.remote_ip
>>> If you follow this, I find the info as I state above, define them all,
>>> and reformat using joins or whatever manipulation of the sql data you
>>> need.
>>> This produces a nice report in the menu to add you can spit out the
>>> data, or at least figure out your sql query to get using psql more
>>> directly.  Plenty of how-to's on sql out there for aspiring or wannabe
>>> DBA's we network engineer's have to sometimes spoof.  If nothing else, use
>>> this or the examples to reverse engineer enough to do your task.
>>> I hate dev stuff, and if I can do this, anyone can.  :)
>>> -mb
>>> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 12:19 PM Chris Weakland <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I do this, but I have a docker install:
>>>> #!/bin/bash
>>>> DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
>>>> docker exec netdisco-netdisco-postgresql-1 pg_dump -U netdisco -F c
>>>> --create -f /db-backup/netdisco-pgsql-$DATE.dump netdisco
>>>> gzip -9f /data/backups/servers/netdisco-db/netdisco-pgsql-$DATE.dump
>>>> /usr/bin/find /data/backups/servers/netdisco-db/ -type f -ctime +10
>>>> -exec rm {} \;
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Muris <>
>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 11, 2023 12:20 AM
>>>> *To:* <
>>>> *Subject:* [Netdisco] SQL query export for subnets and location
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Is it possible to have a SQL query into the backend netdisco db to get
>>>> an export of the subnets, and the vlan and what the name of that vlan
>>>> is/description and what switch they are on?
>>>> If someone can suggest the SQL query how I would go about getting an
>>>> export.
>>>> It could also be useful to have a subnet inventory and where they are
>>>> all assigned switches etc to in the menus.
>>>> Reason im asking is I want to export a /16 that’s been divided up and
>>>> provisioned on the network into a spreadsheet, and then want to reorganise
>>>> the data, and import spreadsheet data into a IPAM manager for 
>>>> documentation.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Muris
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