
I've been poking around looking for any sign of a way to create RELATED
bindings from a text file at run-time, and/or via command switches.  The
idea is that some connections involve related traffic which may originate
from a different host than the stream of primary interest, e.g. a SMB
file/print/whatever server vs. the PDC, or perhaps an IDENT server vs.
some other service.  Such a beast might also simplify/streamline the
current need for specific helper modules, or allow them to be locked down
a bit, e.g. narrower port ranges for ftp DATA streams.

I've looked through the modules described in the
netfilter-extensions-HOWTO.html as well as the threads from the last few
months of this list, and from what I can see nothing quite like this
exists. I'm thinking that this sort of thing might doable and useful.  
Perhaps some hack involving mangling and 'recent' could even work...

So, my questions are:

Have I missed something else I should read or consider which speaks to
this concept?  and, in the unlikely event that I haven't, well, how 'bout
it?  :)

Best Regards,


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