
> So now I'm getting confused.  I'm pretty sure that if I want to use a
> working h323 implementation, then I need the CVS.  So I grabbed it both
> with the snapshot and with the cvs command and tried to compile it.
> However I got the following:
> [root@blue iptables]# make patch-o-matic
> make: *** No rule to make target `extensions/libip6t_eui64.c', needed by
> `extensions/libip6t_eui64.d'.  Stop.
> I've looked all in the cvs, and even went back a couple days worth of
> snapshots and still can't find a libipt_eui64.c.  Does anyone know bout
> this?
I already sent the patch to the devel list. Pleas, be patent for a few
The patch can be found at
(2nd patch)
4 a temporary work-around just rename the libip6t_agr.c to
libip6t_eui64.c (the eui64 match 4 ipv6 will be corrupted)



    Andras Kis-Szabo       Security Development, Design and Audit
-------------------------/       Zorp, NetFilter and IPv6
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /---------------------------------------------->

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