Hi, everyone!

I'm using a small network where I use some nodes as sources and some are 
targets. Now I want to implement a local routing algorithm. 
Here are steps of the algorithm.

   - walkers are placed on sources
   -  At each node, each walker chooses the next node of its neighbor's
   - If all the neighboring nodes have not been visited, then the next 
   neighbor is chosen among the nodes that have not been visited.
   - If all the neighboring nodes have been visited previously, then the 
   next node is chosen uniformly among all the neighbors. The walker is 
   forced to return to a previously visited node.
   - With a small probability, the next node may be chosen uniformly among 
   all the neighboring nodes.
   - If a cycle is detected, that is, if the walker is forced to return to 
   an already visited node.
   - When the destination node is reached, stop

1 go
2 get-list-of-neighbors
3 select one-of from list of neighbors
    check is-visited:
    if yes: [remove from the list 
           check is-circle
           if yes: Die
           else go to setp 3]

  4 else Move-to selected node
  5 check is-target?
    if yes: die 
    else add to list-of-visited and  Go to step1 

I'm new to NetLogo and doesn't know how to implement these steps. Please 
help and guide me.

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