
Joel Jaeggli <joe...@bogus.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> This was supposed to get processed shortly after IETF 106, however I lost 
> track of it. We are therefore running a 2 week WGLC on 
> draft-ietf-netmod-nmda-diff-03.
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-netmod-nmda-diff/
> the 02 - 03 diff is available here:
> https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url1=draft-ietf-netmod-nmda-diff-02&url2=draft-ietf-netmod-nmda-diff-03
> Please send email to the list indicating your support or concerns.

I have reviewed draft-ietf-netmod-nmda-diff-03 and have some comments.

o  Section 4

      (The filter dow not contain expressions that
      would match values data nodes, as this is not required by most use
      cases and would complicate the scheme, from implementation to
      dealing with race conditions.)

  I don't think it is a good idea to reject filters that match
  values.  For example, suppose I want to compare the config for a
  specific interface.  I could do /interfaces/interfac[name='eth0'],
  or a subtree filter.  Why should this not be possible?

  Besides, the mechanism of rejecting such filters is not defined.
  The only text we have is this sentence within parentheses.

o  leaf all in the YANG module

   s/Specifically, if one/For example, if one/

o  leaf xpath-filter

  The description needs to specify the XPath context, see RFC 6991.

o  container differences

  It is not clear what the YANG patch records reflect.  Is it the
  patches that are required to go from "source" to "target"?  Or the
  other way around?

o  anydata source-value

  This description needs work.  The current text isn't correct
  ('value' is not present when the operation is 'move').

  The description should explain what this is supposed to contain.

o  Section 6

  The example is confusing.  It seems the diff is the patches required
  to go from target to source.  And the source-value contains the
  origin present in the target, is that correct?  And the value
  contains an origin that isn't present in neither the source nor the


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