Dear all,

I want to draw your attention to this entry below:

  * Added a data migration to create yang catalog links for yang documents
    published before the yang catalog link feature was introduced in the


Happy New Year to all of you.

Regards, Benoit

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        New datatracker release: v6.68.1
Date:   Sat, 23 Dec 2017 13:53:59 -0800
From:   Henrik Levkowetz <>


This is an automatic notification about a new datatracker release,
v6.68.1, generated when running the mkrelease script.

Release notes:

ietfdb (6.68.1) ietf; urgency=medium

  This is a bugfix release, with a number of minor fixes, as follows:

  * Tweaked the query filter for 'latest' meetings in the
    fetch_meeting_attendance management command to deal with future meetings
    beyond the current meeting in the database.

  * Added a guard against infinite recursion in document replacement listing
    methods to deal better with circular relationships.

  * Enhanced doc event notification emails with who and when.  Fixes issue

  * Added a data migration to create yang catalog links for yang documents
    published before the yang catalog link feature was introduced in the

  * Fixed an ungarded object attribute access.

  * Updated the API notes page with improved descriptions and information.

  * Limited the iesg ballot position API to ADs (excluding secretariat).

  * Modified the run_yang_model_checks management command to accept
    document aliases (not only canonical names) on the command line.

  * Reverted an inadvertently included patch version.

  * Fixed some reStructuredText issues in the changelog

 -- Henrik Levkowetz<>   22 Dec 2017 11:29:14 -0800

The new version is available for installation through SVN checkout, with
  'svn checkout'

For development, copy the new development version instead:
  'svn copy' 


        (via the mkrelease script)


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