Although, we may like to think otherwise, I do not believe that semver is a silver bullet that will solve all YANG versioning problems.

Yes, it is popular and used, perhaps quite successfully, in lots of projects.  But there are many other large scale projects that have not adopted semver, e.g. states that none of the following properly use semver: Node doesn't follow SemVer, Rails doesn't do it, Python doesn't do it, Ruby doesn't do it, jQuery doesn't (really) do it, even npm doesn't follow SemVer.

The reason why I don't think that vanilla semver works for YANG is for two reasons: (1) Semver is often used where API and implementation are versioned together (e.g. code libraries).  I.e. the "patch" field is semver is really about fixes to the implementation that do not change the API in anyway.  But a YANG module definition is really defining an API contract between client and server. (2) Semver makes the assumption that all changes can be made to the head of the development branch, and that clients are able to relatively easily update to the latest version if required.  In fact, for an open source project it is a beneficial feature if you can force your clients to migrate to the latest API and code because there are less different versions to support.

But when applied to YANG modules there are two significant differences:
(1) The server implementations are not being versioned with the YANG API.  They may be multiple vendor products implementing the same YANG module, or there may be multiple products across multiple vendors implementing the same YANG module.  Asking a customer to move to the latest release to pick up a bug fix is not a realistic option, since the vendor/device may not even implement the latest version of the YANG module.  Also moving to the latest version of one particular YANG module could have cascading dependencies on other YANG modules.

(2) I would expect YANG modules, and the requirements to support them, to be much more long lived than open source projects that are using semver.  Where vendors are being paid to support software releases that have shipped with particular modules, customer have an expectation that they can get point fixes to those releases without being forced to update to major versions.

Hence, the proposal for modified semver.  Its aim is to be semver plus the minimal added changes to allow it to primarily support bug fixes (including nbc ones) to older releases.

The alternative, of using vanilla semver, looks similar to what we have today: - vendors will increment the major version number for every release so that they they can increment the minor version number for bug fixes. - or vendors will use deviations as a mechanism to get round where the API is wrong, - or most likely, vendors will just fix the bug and increment the "patch" version number anyway breaking the semver rules, just as they ignore the YANG module updated rules today.

Perhaps this will all lead to the schema diff tool that I also like, if clients reach the point where they cannot trust the semver version numbers because it cannot actually encode the changes that are happening to the module.

As a vendor, I know that we have bug fixes going into older modules, Rob S indicated that OpenConfig does as well.  So, I think that the key question is whether we want the versioning scheme to be able to sensibly label bug fixes.  If we do, then I don't think that vanilla semver will meet the requirement.


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