
This note is somewhat late, but we felt the need to get it out this week.

According to the IETF 107 meeting agenda [1], NETMOD is
scheduled to meet a total of 3 hours across 2 sessions, both on
    13:30-15:30    Monday Afternoon session I
    18:10-19:10    Monday Afternoon session III

This is clearly will be an atypical meeting, with more remote
attendees than usual.  This includes all three WG chairs.

If you are interested in presenting to the WG, please send your
request not later than COB Monday March 9 to the "netmod-chairs"
alias (CC-ed). Please include the following information for each
presentation request:

 - name of the drafts (if any)
 - name of presentation (usually the title of the draft)
 - name of the presenter(s)
 - desired time request (in minutes)
 - local or remote?

Please be advised that the draft submission cutoff deadline [2] is
this coming Monday.  Please update your drafts before then!

Thank you,


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