> On 2015-Sep-29 Jim Nagel  wrote:
> [snip]
>> I'm on #2935 (Aug 25) and have been suffering a great many sites that
>> time out with no display at all.  Sometimes hourglassing goes on
>> forever and there's nothing for it but Alt-Break to kill Netsurf.
>> Some of these cases will succeed if I relaunch Netsurf, switch off
>> Javascript from its iconbar menu, and only then reload the site.

Harriet Bazley  wrote on 4 Oct:
> Can't you just switch off JavaScript and reload the page without having to
> restart Netsurf?   That's always worked for me.

You're right.  Your revelation simplifies it a bit for me.

> (Still on 2817 to avoid auto-JavaScript-start-up)

I'm on #2968 now, after Vincent Sanders (thanks!) improved something 
as a result of a particular site I reported.

Steve Fryatt posted links in this thread to the Netsurf team's 
explanations of why they have configured Javascript to be on by 
default:  they WANT to receive reports of problem sites so that they 
can refine their code.  So thanks again, Vincent!

Jim Nagel                        www.archivemag.co.uk
|| See you at the show?  www.riscoslondonshow.co.uk  October 24

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