When Netsurf fetches a PDF file, would it be possible to trigger the 
PDF-reading application automatically, rather than requiring the user 
to save the file to disc and then launch it manually?

(The manual procedure is too complex to explain to a technophobe Other 

What prompts me to ask is that I came across the following text inside 
!PDFtest.Docs.Hints, which is dated 1998-03-24, apparently by Leo 
Smiers (who ported the PDF reader from XPDF on Linux; Colin Granville 
carried on the work):

     Hints dd 980309
     Starting !PDF from !Fresco version 1.32
       It's possible to make Fresco start !PDF when it downloads 
     a PDF file. To do this, you must add lines to the 
     !InetSuite.Internet.Files.MimeMap and !Fresco.Runables 
       In the MimeMap file add the line:
         application/pdf  PDF ADF .pdf
       In !Fresco.Runables (if this file does not exists you have 
     to create it) add the line:
       Now quit and restart !Fresco. When you view a .pdf file, 
     Fresco will filer_run the downloaded pdf file. If !PDF has 
     been seen, it will load and display the page.
       Many thanks to Dean Murphy from ANT Ltd. Cambridge from 
     whom I recieved this information.

Perhaps this facility exists already in Netsurf and I just don't know 
about it.

Jim Nagel                        www.archivemag.co.uk

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