nettime HandsOfftheInternet, says ATT

2006-05-22 Thread Soenke Zehle
Maybe it's time that they be taken to task for what is clearly a misleading advertising campaign? Sure. But then, I have yet to see an advertising campaign that wasn't misleading, Soenke [UPDATE 1] -- More Sock-Puppetry from the

nettime HandsOfftheInternet, says ATT

2006-05-20 Thread Soenke Zehle
Maybe it's time that they be taken to task for what is clearly a misleading advertising campaign? Sure. But then, I have yet to see an advertising campaign that wasn't misleading, Soenke [UPDATE 1] -- More Sock-Puppetry from the

nettime Command of the Commons

2006-05-11 Thread Soenke Zehle
Please note that threats emanating in the global commons will be addressed in business casual (polo shirts and slacks for _all_ participants), military personnel desiring to wear uniforms should wear khaki (for Navy) or service equivalent, Soenke Global Legal Challenges: Command of the Commons,

nettime FLOSS Redux: Notes on African Software Politics

2005-12-18 Thread Soenke Zehle [c]
:: 14.12.05 by Soenke Zehle The info-technological development of Africa is providing a critical laboratory for testing the utilitarian and egalitarian claims of the FLOSS community. The question of whether to adopt a free

Re: nettime What is code? A conversation with Deleuze, Guattari and code

2005-11-23 Thread Soenke Zehle [c]
On code is becoming today's hegemonic metaphor, also see what T.P.M.B. has to say on code/hegemony, Soenke I have come to believe ever more deeply in America’s fundamental purpose as source code for this era’s successful and far-reaching brand of globalization. We have set in motion a powerful

nettime Orlowski, On Creativity, Computers and Copyright

2005-07-22 Thread Soenke Zehle
Nor is something special simply because it's passed through a DMA bus, or a Cisco router. Well, if you take the Cisco-in-China debate, passage through a Cisco router is becoming a special privilege indeed. More to the pt: not (simply) an attack on the CC logic, but trying to shift the discussion

nettime IWTnews Website Launch: June 15, 2005

2005-06-08 Thread Soenke Zehle
Didn't someone say way back when that television wouldn't be revolutionized? I have been wondering whether 'global' and 'independent' really go together that well, but it looks like the network is going to launch its first network, finally proving Chomsky right and return us to democracy, sz

nettime The Life of Edward: You're all Post-Autistic Economists

2005-01-12 Thread Soenke Zehle
According to a number of ecological economists and post-normal science advocates [1], we are about to witness the return of the great social science of political economy - with growing grassroots support, as even econ students are beginning to rise up against their neoclassical masters

nettime Pre-Election Coverage by Film Collective

2005-01-07 Thread Soenke Zehle
Whichever way you approach this conflict, local grassroots coverage is hard to come by and probably worth watching no matter how you feel about the matter, sz [via Debate] The Film Collective is made up of Palestinian volunteers living in Balata Refugee Camp. The collective was

nettime GWB wants 'pro-homosexual' drama banned - so just dig a hole, no?

2004-12-09 Thread Soenke Zehle
In a way, election results are still coming in, as they undoubtedly will over the next four years. This bill is a sequel to one of the marriage referenda that helped raise voter turnout to unprecedented levels and received media attention primarily as that, a voter-recruitment strategy. But

nettime BIOS - OSS Visions in Biology

2004-11-07 Thread Soenke Zehle
Check out, part of a much broader effort to counter the aggressive proprietarization in the natural sciences (here especially ag-bio-tech research, with OSS-derived models of research archives/commons etc., sz About BIOS BIOS is fundamentally an

nettime Florida Touch-Screen Voting Machines Display Pro-Bush Bias

2004-10-28 Thread Soenke Zehle
Who would have thought of that? Florida may once again make or break the presidency. Says Greg Palast, that is, sz CONGRATULATIONS, MR. PRESIDENT! FLORIDA'S COMPUTERS HAVE ALREADY COUNTED THOUSANDS OF VOTES FOR GEORGE W. BUSH Before one vote was cast in early voting this week in Florida, the

nettime How CNN's Ted Turner Became an Anti-Trust Advocate

2004-07-21 Thread Soenke Zehle
Turner's critique of media capitalism is devastating indeed: We've gone from Father Knows Best to Who Wants to Marry My Dad?, and from My Three Sons to My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance. I wonder if Murdoch is equally concerned about journalistic standards? So what's next - a CNN-led anti-trust

nettime Of Genocide and GMOs: How Historical Revisionists became Biotech Apologists

2004-04-05 Thread Soenke Zehle
Another sign that the encounter between media studies and political ecology is overdue, sz [via GMWatch Daily at] 1. Genocide? What genocide? From genocide revisionists to biotech apologists This week marks the tenth anniversary of the start of the genocide that took

nettime Failed States All Over

2004-03-06 Thread Soenke Zehle
Haiti and state failure, anyone? Online a decade after it's introduction into general usage, 'state failure' seems to have become the default-reference in case a country is in serious trouble. [2] But whatever you make of the current reporting on Haiti, do give the term/concept a chance, the TNI

nettime Learning from Al-Quaeda

2004-01-25 Thread Soenke Zehle
Bruce Hoffmann, Vice President for External Affairs, Director of RAND's Washington, D.C. Office, and extraordinarily prolific contributor to the roster of its pubs [1], suggests that we need to learn from the way Al-Quaeda turned itself into a global brand: Indeed, what bin Laden has done is to

Re: nettime China's New Left

2004-01-25 Thread Soenke Zehle
Worker organization may not be the only social-movement dynamic to look at, nor will class most necessarily be the primary vector along which such self-organization is likely to articulate itself. Consumer activism, much-despised by authentic leftists for its lack of a radically transformative

nettime Cunningham, Re-thinking Objectivity (CJR)

2003-11-11 Thread Soenke Zehle
A low-brow piece on the US media, for a change. Reading a bunch of essays on 'interventionist' media and the idea of a 'peace' journalism (not a new idea, but part of the current trend toward something like 'best practice' international human rights journalism - witness a tremendous proliferation

nettime Heaton on The Live Coverage Revolution (Digital Journalist)

2003-11-11 Thread Soenke Zehle
I would have put (the term) postmodernism in the deader-than-dead box of trends, hoping that it was gone for good, but here it is again. Anyway, the end of top-down journalism Heaton announces (once again) is not that new a topic, to say the least, and Nik Gowing has been writing better and more

nettime Bush to Unnamed Officials: Shut Up or Else

2003-10-22 Thread Soenke Zehle
This is funny, no? It's the media, stupid. sz Galloway, Joseph L., and James Kuhnhenn. Bush orders officials to stop the leaks. Philadelphia Inquirer (16 Oct 2003). Bush orders officials to stop the leaks. He warned of action if

nettime Notes on the Civil Society/NGO Nexus on the Eve of the WSIS

2003-09-07 Thread Soenke Zehle
Notes on the Civil Society/NGO Nexus on the Eve of the WSIS To approach the dynamic of so-called civil society organization in the context of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), it might make sense to attempt to identify some of the trends occuring across what is often referred

nettime MLK is Back - and He's Trying to E-Vote

2003-08-29 Thread Soenke Zehle
I looked into some of the touch-screen voting issues (some say these, not Arnie's house-cleaning-campaign will be the cause of the real disaster in the upcoming CA recall elections) when the Diebold case bubbled up from the depths of blog to the surface of mainstream media. [1] As far a I can

nettime OSS and the Natural Sciences

2003-08-16 Thread Soenke Zehle
Felix' analysis might be (mis)read as suggesting that OSS needs to spread beyond a single realm of origination, but a different way of looking at it would be to trace where OSS once already existed but, for whatever reason, (temporarily) disappeared, and reconnect (to) some of these multiple

nettime E-Waste 'officially' becomes HR Issue

2003-07-30 Thread Soenke Zehle
The UN Special Rapporteur on Adverse Effects of the Illicit Movement and Dumping of Toxic and Dangerous Products and Wastes on the Enjoyment of Human Rights has recently turned to e-waste issues. The EDC review [1] includes Basel Action Network [2] and EarthJustice [3] materials submitted to the

nettime PMCs or What Iraq and Liberia Have in Common

2003-07-28 Thread Soenke Zehle
The war in Iraq could not have taken place without a network of for-profit contractors upon which the U.S. military has come to depend. Some 20,000 employees of private military companies (PMCs) and of more traditional military contractors accompanied the U.S. forces in the buildup to war in the

nettime Space is the Place

2003-05-29 Thread Soenke Zehle
Sandra Braman refers to biotech as a 'metatechnology' because it links, among other areas, agriculture and (national) security ( Here's a beautiful example, coming at a time when a) the US is attempting to subject the European anti-GPS Galileo project to

nettime pubs

2003-02-20 Thread Soenke Zehle
TITLE: Making Global Trade Work for People EDITOR: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) PUBLISHER: Earthscan DATE: January 2003 URL: NOTE: UNDP has recently released a report

nettime The Unseen Gulf War - by Peter Turnley

2003-01-29 Thread Soenke Zehle
I wonder what front-page images of carbonized bodies would do to further quell what seems to be already flagging enthusiasm for the war? It seems less important to me whether these are 'American' or 'Iraqi' bodies, there's a strange humanism in these images that accompanies their (sometimes