>From the APC blog. Please add your voice here... There are also APC
blogs in Spanish and French getting underway. FN


Making the ride to cyberspace less costly, bumpy
By FN (Frederick Noronha)  14/11/2005 08:08  [Access, ICT policy,
Communication rights, Content & language]
En route to the promised global village, the information superhighway is
plagued by poor access and high fares that the bulk of this planet
simply cannot afford. Reducing international internet costs is an
important priority, underlined in a set of recommendations from the APC
made to the WSIS stresses.

Crucial drafting session in Tunis on internet governance
By APCNews  13/11/2005 20:40  [Internet governance]=20
Late on Sunday night, November 13, 2005, an assembly of about 100 people
agreed to a series of minimal points of common ground related to
internet governance in Tunis. These points were then to be reported back
to the general plenary of what is called the resumed PrepCom 3 meeting
of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) for definitive
negotiation and implementation.

Some figures... and hard facts
By FN (Frederick Noronha)  13/11/2005 20:24 [Communication rights]=20
Some figures, and hard facts, from a Highway Africa article, titled ICT4
All expo to attract 40,000 participants: "According to the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU), the 942 million people living in the
world's developed economies enjoy five times better access to fixed and
mobile phone services, nine times better access to Internet services,
and own 13 times more personal computers than the 85 per cent of the
world's population living in low and lower-middle income countries. ITU
also estimates that 800,000 villages still lack connection by telephone
line, the Internet or any other modern ICT."

By Shahzad (BytesForAll, Pakistan)  13/11/2005 18:02  [Civil society
participation, Communication rights]=20
Maxigas -- a friend from Hungary -- and myself had the opportunity to go
to the Tunis City Centre last afternoon, just to have a feel of the city
and get to know a little more about Tunis. The atmosphere seemed quite
festive, and preparations for the WSIS are in full swing. Green plants
are being transported in numbers and transplanted on roadsides and
important squares, large pictures of the Tunisian President are
installed everywhere, and even most of the banners also carry his
pictures welcoming the WSIS delegates ;) But questions remain....

Some voices... about Tunis
By FN  13/11/2005 16:43  [Media & ICTs, WSIS implementation]=20
How's the world comprehending Tunis? From disinterest to unheard voices,
bewilderment, hidden agendas and nationalistic positions... all these
seem to be the trends emerging from the media conference on November
2005's World Summit on the Information Society at Tunisia. More so, if
one looks at the media from a Southern perspective. Read more...

The WSIS is _not_ in Tunis
By maxigas  13/11/2005 07:45  [Local ICT tactics, WSIS implementation]
Yesterday me and Shahzad had a chance to see Tunis in all its WSIS
splendour. Tunis as a city has been completely appropriated by the WSIS
campaign. Public spaces where people lead their daily lives are heavily
marked by a campaign about an event that they have no meaningful way to
experience, and that will perhaps not bring any lasting good for their

New book... via Tunis
By Partha Pratim Sarker  12/11/2005 08:23=20
Word Matters Multicultural perspectives on information societies has
been described as "a collective work by some 30 authors from civil
societies all over the world, deciphers the central concepts of the
'information society'."

Ultimate webmaster, citizens' voice
By FN 12/11/2005 08:03  [Internet governance, Civil society
Might interest you: Inter-Press Service has this story U.S. Fights to
Remain the Ultimate Webmaster which says that international efforts to
break down the digital barriers facing the world's poor will backfire if
governments fail to work out their differences on the issue of internet
governance. Meanwhile, here's the website for the Citizens' Summit on
the Information Society (CSIS). It was launched on November 10.  Read

Technorati links (2488 and growing) By FN 12/11/2005 07:40  =20
Technorati.com, the search engine for blogs, throws up a total of 2,488
posts related to the WSIS among the 21 million sites and 1.7 billion
links that it tracks.

WSIS Panel on WIPO and IPRs (Nov 16) By Al Alegre  12/11/2005 07:19=20
[Intellectual property]=20
Thought this -- IPJ at WSIS:A parallel event to be held at the World
Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis -- would be of
interest. Not sure if it conflicts with any events. Probably will :-).

Gender voices from Tunis
By Katerina Fialova 12/11/2005 05:20  [Civil society participation,
Gender & ICTs]
Here's some information about GenderIT.org coverage planned for the WSIS
at Tunis in mid-November 2005. See details of what's expected via
websites, blogs, RSS feeds and more, to keep cyberspace informed about
what's emerging.

APC ... reflecting the WSIS By FN  12/11/2005 04:24  [Civil society
Some of APC's plans for reflecting what's happening at Tunis include its
English and Spanish websites and a blog in French These blogs aim to be
a mix of indepth structured articles plus notes and comment from the APC
team in Tunis, and anyone else who would like to write. It's open to the
public to post items and comments, subject to posts being relevant to
the theme.

APC... on internet governance By APC 11/11/2005 18:05  [Internet
APC has participated extensively in the internet governance process at
the World Summit on Information Society. Out of this participation and
in collaboration with other partners, including members of the WSIS
civil society internet governance caucus, APC has crystallized a set of
recommendations with regard to internet governance ahead of the final
Summit in Tunis in November 2005.

Blog links By FN (Frederick Noronha)  11/11/2005 17:50  [Communication
Wikipedia's entry on the WSIS has this useful set of links to some other
blogs on this theme. There's the WSISBlogs.org, a multilingual coalition
of bloggers attending WSIS; includes text, photos, podcasts and video;
apart from WSIS wire news on the summit; iwitness, offering debate, news
and resources for "journalists creating a fairer information society"
and The Daily Summit - WSIS and similar World Summit coverage by the
British Council Science Team (with items dating back to 2003 and 2004,
at the time of blogging).

IPS, WSIS and paedophile issues By Frederick Noronha  11/11/2005 15:56
 [Laws & regulation]
>From my RSS-feed, I just came across this story from one of my
news sources -- IPS filing from Bangkok -- that makes a case on why the
information society must block paedophiles. 

Looking for environmental activists By Milena B.  11/11/2005 06:59=20
[Environment & ICTs]
Just curious whether environmental sustainability and ICTs is taking
place somewhere in the WSIS docs at all ;-) It will be good to know if
apart from BlueLink, whether there are other NGOs interested to stand up
for the issue of environmental sustainability in Tunis.

Welcome to the APC WSIS blog By Karen Higgs=E2=80=A2 08/11/2005 16:57=20
APC will be producing two APCNews/APCNoticias specials direct from WSIS
and for the first time, original content in French. Watch our for our
trilingual English-Spanish-French blogs!

 _/ Frederick Noronha | Independent Journalist | Ph 832.2409490
 _/ Goa India | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://fn.notlong.com
 _/ Mobile: 0 9822 122436 | http://fn-at-google.notlong.com

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