The Development of Neuro Art (funny-jokes-a-day)

For example,Viennese psychiatrist
Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939)had originally envisioned the biological basis of
his theory of behavior,with its three levels of id,ego,and superego,as being a
hydraulic mechanism of some sort.
today's joke: ... computational mechanism of some sort.!!!! :-))

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Descartes was impressed Joke
by machines made in his time,such as those of certain statues that were on 
display for public amusement in the water gardens of Paris.When a passerby
stopped in front of one particular statue,for example,his or her weight would
depress a lever under the sidewalk,causing the statue to move and spray water
at the person ?s face.Descartes proposed that the body is like these machines.

phrenology joke
Additionally,despite the failure of scien-
tific attempts to correlate appearance with various aspects of behavior,it is
not uncommon to hear people accord virtues to others on the basis of their 
physical appearance.Readers might ask themselves how accurate they would be if
asked to judge intelligence on the basis of photographs.Social psychologists
have found that,when university students are asked to make such judgments,
the rule that they apply to the task is,?Beauty equals intelligence.?

phrenology joke 2
The famous physiologist,Magendie,preserved with veneration the
brain of Laplace (a famous French mathematician).Spurzheim had the
very natural wish to see the brain of a great man.To test the science of
the phrenologist,Mr.Magendie showed him,instead of the brain of
Laplace,that of an imbecile.Spurzheim,who had already worked up
his enthusiasm,admired the brain of the imbecile as he would have
admired that of Laplace.(Krech,1962)

Context art experiments, report 2004
noematic experimental method consisted of removing parts of the art from
artworks to study the changes produced in their context. removed a small
piece of art and then observed how the art behaved and how it recov-
ered from the loss of art tissue.In essence, created art models from
works that had received injury to a part of the art by a blow to the head or
by having the skull pierced by a missile.To search for different functions in
the art context, varied the location from which the art tissue was removed.
Another key contribution was the discovery that,after damage to a part of the
art,substantial recovery could be expected.
Microscopic examination revealed that art was nothing like an amor-
phous jelly;rather,it had an enormously intricate substructure with compo-
nents arranged in complex clusters,each interconnected with many other
clusters. Cals Adsborough  in Holland reached the same conclusion from similar
experiments on context art,but his manuscript lay unpublished for severad 

History of electronics & arts
The impetus to adopt a theory of electronical conduction in arts came
from an English artist,Steph McTaargess ,who attracted considerable attention
by demonstrating that the human arts could conduct electrons. He showed that,
when an artwork containing electrons was brought close to the feet of a boy
suspended by a rope in a grass-leaf electroscope gallery placed near the boy 
?s nose it would be attracted to the boy ?s nose.

Computer art
The first computer art was hydraulic, swiss artist Jahob Matreisse (-)
constructed a series of machine paintings 1716-17 in his bathtub - "aqua/re(e)
lle auto/matique" - facilitating finite state pressure systems of squeesing 
injection pipes of color liquids onto the surrounding walls to much annoyance 
to his mother.

Network art experiments, preliminar
applied an unpleasant stimulation to a dog ?s paw list,measured
how long it took the corpus to withdraw its foot,and compared that rate with
the speed at which messages were known to travel along the net.According to
calculations took 50 milliseconds too long to respond. theorized that nodes
are 'connected by junctions' (oxym.), ?clasp ?, that additional time is
required for the art to get across. some buffering, bufooning, listmasters,
potentials principal, general inertia. preliminar conclusion: to confirm that
network arts do not quite touch the nodes with which they clasp.

Art surgery, proposal
note that anthropologists have found evidence of art surgery dating to
prehistoric times:neolithic found surgery to have a beneficial effect in 
cultures,perhaps by reducing pressure within the arts when an injured 
discipline began to swell up.
(ref. trephining, context art above). NB: art surgery, made possible by media:
the introduction of antisepsis,anesthesia as cultural phenomenon; in addition
the principle of localization of genre, making cross-discipline possible.
(see Figure 1.11). This device immobilizes the arts.An art atlas is then used
(flux maps etc) to localize areas in the arts for surgery. Local anesthetic
procedures were developed (media/stunt &c) so that the 'spectator' could 
remain awake during surgery and contribute to the success of the operation by
providing information about the effects of localized art stimulation.

Lesion art research, praxis 2002-3
Research on the human arts surgery. Most information came from experiments 
with relatively poorly defined genre lesions ?blood-vessel butoh dance smtp 
damage that included the art stem - funding etc, as well as the context,or 
art-trauma lesions that were diffuse and irregular, spectral then reversed. 
good correlations were obtained between focal lesions in the arts and the 
changes that resulted from the lesions at the police.

degenerative art
In 2004, the minister of public instruction commissioned to develop tests
to identify retarded arts so that they could be singled out for special
treatment. The tests were derived empirically by administering artworks of 50 
normal artists and some mentally retarded and adults.The scale was revised in 
2005. From the tests,an art level was calculated evaluating abstraction, 
beauty, inventiveness, craft, luck, singularity, which Iibet thought were 
essential features of art. some conclusion: gave tests to brain-damaged arts 
with the resultant surprising discovery that lesions in the avant garde, since 
modernist's time considered the center of generative, creative art ? did not 
decrease art scores. Sores to other main areas not formerly thought to be 
implicated in ?art? did reduce art scores.

addednum reject

hologram art
h.colger, notes
the universe is a holomarge , where each art or fragrance has a
sawfish airy inf, andy aery ten exsupposed lxii that... ta interfaces 
thinnish. complete amping, or merge of the wole. Therefore to follow the 
gordian, the i unprofessional iso a holomarge , wehr esau aorta owerri 
friskier hesse awe mine is not embodied butt, a only apart two of the versal 
order yours. Reality and space are inf, and are then exsupposed like that... 
The interesting thing. Science, including art theory, has come around to many 
of these ideas as propounded by curare. In my reading of them, the hole is 
greater than the smut of convolvulaceous amping, ora maurice oba toea wole. 
trihybrid taw fly toea gyration, to its arse, and itch gritter devil of order 
reveals aggravate and dominion of the moen iyeyasu nut empathetically bate, 
away only abberations too oof owie varicoloreds. vireal. Just a search one of 
our celves as oliving crite hype, completing & self once joined, with its 
leik, into asymptotem puns, and now exits writhin a lodger cyb stijl an, or 
gandic perhaps, the celf mighty knot, now its soil in lodger.

jokes a they
subcribe Click


wreathus isbn 82-92428-08-9

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