nettime Mediaset against Telestreet (english)

2006-02-27 Thread marcelo
Communique from Franco Berardi Bifo, Marco Jacquemet and Giancarlo Vitali, authors of the book TELESTREET: A Non-Regulated Imaginative Machine. On March 8, 2006, in the city of Padua, where the book was printed for its Italian edition, the authors must appear before a judge in order to respond

nettime trial mediaset vs. telestreet postponed

2006-03-13 Thread marcelo
the trial against the authors of telestreet in italy has been postponed until 20th march - sorry we didnt have time to translate the document into english yet, we will try in the next few days but i guess it is urgent news so i forward it in italian... - La decisione sulla querela che

nettime Bifo - The insurgence of European precariat

2006-04-09 Thread marcelo
The insurgence of European precariat Franco Berardi Bifo Translated by Alex Diceanu and Arianna Bove. The original Italian text is published on the Rekombinant mailing list ( The French translation by Serge Quadruppani

nettime mediaset vs. telestreet - the process is over: we have won :)

2006-04-13 Thread marcelo
Communication concerning the legal proceedings against the authors of Telestreet: A Non-Regulated Imaginative Machine Franco Berardi Bifo, Marco Jacquemet, Giancarlo Vitali On March 30, 2006, the Judge of Instruction of Padua decided the complaint presented by the president of Mediaset, Fedele

nettime The Precarity Map is online

2006-05-02 Thread marcelo
English + Spanish / Inglés y Castellano --- The Precarity Map is online! It is the first step of The WebRing for Communication and Militant Research on Precarity which intends to produce and share knowledge, experiences and materials among labour conflicts and

nettime precarity, social movements and political communication (buenos aires)]

2006-06-10 Thread marcelo
hi there - here is the english translation of the introductory text for the meeting on precarity, social movements, and political communication held in buenos aires some weeks ago - hope it is of your interest - cheers marcelo --- PRECARITY, SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND POLITICAL COMMUNICATION

Re: nettime Fwd: [RK] No struggle against the void. Report from

2006-06-13 Thread marcelo
and related topics will be published in the future in transversal webjournal - thanx+best marcelo # distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission # nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info

Re: nettime The Premature Birth of Video Art

2007-01-18 Thread marcelo
perception in video-art and experimental tv? the discussion, as i see it, is not about the truth, but about the politics of a history-construction and myth-narration - and that has to do with what we want an art practice to be today - nevertheless... i do like paik, yes :)) marcelo