Karl Marx grave has been vandalized ... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dzhn7-7WwAIl8jE.jpg

What does this mean?

If one makes the obvious assumption about who did it, it means that Marx is increasingly relevant in realpolitik.

The less obvious assumption is a false flag op, to bring Marx back to the scene.

The point being, the act itself has no inherent meaning. It's just a canvas. Like so many other acts, it's a propping up of a billboard to project onto. Once the audience is trained to this, it becomes easy to mask real acts. The result is that meaning as consensus is gone.

Masses behave like superheated liquid way past it's boiling point, waiting for something, anything, to explosively boil. The art of maintenance seems to consist of ensuring that every nucleation appears suspicious and unreal. Statistics and quantum noise work against the maintainers, though.

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