Pls jump to the Guardian article if you're bored in advance!

This is indeed extremely serious indeed - but far from surprising. I have now 
maintained for more than 30 yrs that intelligence services, wherever, are 
largely if not totally out of control, form a state in the state (the core of 
the 'derim devlet', the deep state actually) and are totally leaning to the 
right of the political spectrum - and beyond. The protestations of various 
politicians in and outside power are pious, because they are totally powerless, 
and choose to be so.

We are slowly, but surely, descending into a political abyss, of which 
so-called rogue states are the model and are already there - in the Gibsonian 
fashion of a not evenly distributed future. Burma and Biellorussia are hard on 
their way to follow the Assad-led Syrian dispensation of a totally failed 
states with a blossoming tyrannical oligarchy plundering their own country, 
enslaving, and, given half a chance, exterminating its own citizenry, while 
stashing the loot abroad (where, by the way?). Countries like India, Turkey, 
Brazil and a few other less visible are just a little behind, while North Korea 
has apparently gone down the full road years and years ago.

And 'we' in all this? Watch out! The show is playing out in a theater much 
closer than you think. America under Trump just averted going for that trip, 
and that may just be 'partie remise'. And most of the 'democratic governements' 
in our parts are simply either (wilfully) ignorant of what's going on, or 
simply waiting for the opportunity to join the fray - which they already do at 
the 'micro' level (Priti Patel and her micro-fascist mignons at the 'Border 
force' anyone?), & they'll not hesitate one heartbeat to go for the real show 
when times' ripe in their view.

Mein Kampf has just been reprinted in France, with a massive explanatory 
apparatus. Major lesson: it was all in it, black on white, by the time of 
original publication in 1925. Did it help? You bet!

Sorry, I had to 'load shed' .... 


original to:

Denmark helped US spy on Angela Merkel and European allies – report
Media reports claim US National Security Agency used Danish cables to spy on 
senior officialss

Jon Henley, The Guardian, May 31st, 2021.

Denmark’s military intelligence agency helped the US to spy on leading European 
politicians including the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, according to the 
Danish public broadcaster and other European media.

Danmarks Radio said the US National Security Agency (NSA), whose alleged 
tapping of Merkel’s phone was disclosed by Edward Snowden in 2013, also used 
the Danish Defence Intelligence Service (FE) to spy on officials in Sweden, 
Norway and France.

The allegations are contained in an internal classified report on the FE’s role 
in the surveillance partnership agreement with the NSA  from 2012 to 2014, the 
broadcaster said, citing nine unidentified sources familiar with the 

It said the NSA used Danish information cables to spy on senior officials 
including the former German foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and the 
then opposition leader Peer Steinbrück. It was not clear whether the Danish 
government authorised the taps.

The Danish defence minister, Trine Bramsen, who took over the defence portfolio 
in June 2019, was reportedly informed of the espionage in August last year. She 
told Danmarks Radio that “systematic eavesdropping of close allies” was 
“clearly unacceptable”.

France’s Europe minister, Clément Beaune, said the reports were “extremely 
serious” if proven. “We need to see if our partners in the EU, the Danes, have 
committed errors in their cooperation with American services,” Beaune told 
French radio. “Between allies, there must be trust, a minimal cooperation.”

A spokesperson for the German chancellery said it became aware of the 
allegations only when asked about them by journalists, and declined to comment 
further. Steinbrück said the NSA and FE’s activities were “a political scandal”.

The former centre-left SPD party leader said he accepted western states needed 
intelligence services, but added it was “grotesque that friendly intelligence 
services are indeed intercepting and spying on top representatives of other 

Danmarks Radio published the allegations on Sunday evening in a joint 
investigation with the Swedish public broadcaster SVT, Norway’s NRK, France’s 
Le Monde, and Germany’s NDR, WDR and Süddeutsche Zeitung.

The Danish broadcaster said the NSA retrieved text messages, calls and internet 
traffic including searches and chats thanks to its partnership with FE. 
Denmark, a close US ally, hosts several key landing stations for undersea 
internet cables to and from Sweden, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands and 

Neither the agency or its director at the time, Lars Findsen, have commented on 
the report. Findsen and three other FE officials were suspended last year by an 
independent oversight board following criticism and accusations of serious 
wrongdoings stemming from the internal investigation, which began in 2015, 
Danmarks Radio said.

The NSA did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Sweden’s defence 
minister, Peter Hultqvist, demanded “full information” and his counterpart in 
Norway, Frank Bakke-Jensen, said the allegations “are being taken seriously”.

If confirmed, the spying was happening during and after the 2013 Snowden 
affair, when the former NSA contractor revealed thousands of secret documents 
exposing the vast US surveillance operation mounted after the 2001 9/11 attacks.

Snowden on Sunday accused Joe Biden, who was US vice-president at the time, of 
being “deeply involved … the first time around”. Snowden called on Twitter for 
“full public disclosure not only from Denmark, but their senior partner as 

The former contractor has been charged in the US with with theft of government 
property, unauthorised communication of national defence information and wilful 
communication of classified communications intelligence and is in Russia.
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