Final Countdown to Save the Internet

2015-10-24 Thread agent humble Net neutrality in the EU is only a few amendments away. There are four missing pieces needed to deliver net neutrality in the EU: 1. Prevent network discrimination Large deep-pocketed companies should not be allowed to buy VIP tickets to prioritise their content over

What Happens Next Will Amaze You

2015-10-02 Thread agent humble
(Talk by Maciej Ceg??owski on September 14, 2015, at the FREMTIDENS INTERNET conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.) Good morning! Today's talk is being filmed, recorded and transcribed, and everything I say today will leave an indelible trace online. In other words, it's just a normal day on the

nettime The Revolution will (not) be decentralised: Blockchains

2015-06-11 Thread agent humble
by Rachel O'Dwyer Source: The data centre rules. Decentralised topologies and non-discriminatory protocols have been all but replaced by a recentralisation of infrastructure, as powerful corporations now gatekeep

nettime The Bot Bubble: How Click Farms Have Inflated Social Media Currency

2015-04-23 Thread agent humble
Source: Every morning, Kim Casipong strolls past barbed wire, six dogs, and a watchman in order to get to her job in a pink apartment building decorated with ornate stonework in Lapu-Lapu City.

nettime The Taming of Tech Criticism, by Evgeny Morozov

2015-03-30 Thread agent humble BOOK REVIEWED The Glass Cage: Automation and Us, by Nicholas Carr, W. W. Norton, What does it mean to be a technology critic in today’s America? And what can technology criticism accomplish? The first question seems easy: to be a

nettime Adbusters: DATAcide, The Total Annihilation of Life as We Know It

2015-02-12 Thread agent humble
This article appeared in issue #115, now available in our Blueprint for a New World Series Box Set: So tell me, why did you leave your last job? he asks. The first thing I remember about the internet was the noise. That