Re: why is it so quiet (in the US)

2020-11-13 Thread lizvlx
Hi Felix Yeah, same same. I cant write much more, I up too upset today with how shit is hitting the fan here in Austria and having a kid in senior year (jeez I really hope she won’t have to repeat this year) I also think democrats are taking it too lightly again. OK, white Dems. I am not

Re: your response

2020-10-11 Thread lizvlx
Hi :) > alas, Lizvlx, the usa cannot "implodes on itself" without exploding, > one should be careful sometimes with our temptations, especially when > national implosions and explosions might kill people who are not fascists but > precisely the ones who do not want f

Re: your response

2020-10-11 Thread lizvlx
….as much as Trump is partially and locally better than other Prez as he just does not care about international politics unless he gets to talk to other dictators, and hence will cause less damage than other Prez in the likes of Syria and generally the Middle East — he still can just kick of

Re: The Zombie Public – Or, how to revive ‘the public’ and public space after the pandemic.

2020-10-08 Thread lizvlx
> Hello ‘lizvix’ - don’t know who this is - the ‘Hans’ of Übermorgen? Ahhh — Are you trying to be rude or are you really not aware that Ubermorgen consists not only of one man? I find that quite amusing :D - you are funny man. So to clear that up, I am lizvlx, the lizvlx of Ubermorgen. Why

Re: The Zombie Public – Or, how to revive ‘the public’ and public space after the pandemic.

2020-10-06 Thread lizvlx
Hi there A few questions- I don’t want to misunderstand yr text 1. what do u mean by (mass) gatherings have been suspended? 2. What countries r u referring to? 3. do u have an issue with a lockdown per se or is this coz u don’t think the pandemic necessitates such a thing? 4. what

Re: A question in earnest

2020-10-05 Thread lizvlx
hope that if it will be a disaster then only a disaster for the USA and not for everybody on this planet. Bye/BussiBaba/ lizvlx Ps: I am a bit blunt in my tone maybe, this is not aggression but autism Pps: I used to hurt coz I loved my USA. But no more. Fuck the USA. > On 05.10.2020, at 08

Re: WTF happened In 1971?

2020-09-18 Thread lizvlx
Based on the page content everything is always USA. This graph is not valid in other places and we should stop referring to the USA at all times. It is boring, 20th century and produces false conclusions. Liz > On 17.09.2020, at 21:28, José María Mateos wrote: > > On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at

Re: coronavirus questions

2020-03-12 Thread lizvlx
> > ….selective culling of people >65 and those younger with > pre-existing medical conditions is going cause very significant savings for > the retirement funds, so they might have factored that in. R u ok? What the hell…..that’s neither funny nor intelligent. # distributed via :

Re: coronavirus questions

2020-03-12 Thread lizvlx
Hello from se ossa side!* > The sudden reduction (actually the absence) of handshakes and embraces with > acquaintnces and friends feels very sad. The whole range of physical and > social > contact suddenly gone. But this serves to highlight the importance of these > small > acts of social

Re: coronavirus questions

2020-03-12 Thread lizvlx
Question: I know that during epidemics and pandemics it is always the case that there is more men than women dying - but with coronavirus it is up to 80-90% male deaths. Is this scary for men 50+? I mean do you feel like targets? Cheers lizvlx Ps: as always, excuse my frankness. Pls add

Re: Wash Post: Greta Thunberg weaponized shame in an era of shamelessness

2019-09-27 Thread lizvlx
confronted with a liveable truth. lizvlx > On 27. Sep 2019, at 05:41, Molly Hankwitz wrote: > > Dear Ted and Felix, > > Thank you these links. I have been following Ms. Thunberg with a mix of rapt > interest, admiration, and fabulous disbelief at her courage for some time. I

Re: morlock elloi

2018-04-09 Thread lizvlx
ore and easier money including wars > and military industrial complex, or Google. Bye/lizvlx > On 9. Apr 2018, at 23:56, Örsan Şenalp <> wrote: > > Jaromil, Soros is in us, he is everywhere don't you see that :) > > Suicide bunny.. funny.. though I don't really

Re: In the eye of the Cambridge Analytica storm

2018-03-23 Thread lizvlx
and more quitting. Bye The unacademic lizvlx # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: http

Re: The Balkan soft robotics of the Venice Biennale 2017

2017-06-28 Thread lizvlx
Thanks for posting this. This the by far the most interesting post on nettime for x months. Better have some poetry than dominant white male brain farts constantly so thank you. Sent with AquaMail for Android On June 27, 2017 19:09:38 Bruce Sterling

Re: Armin Medosch (1962-2017)

2017-02-24 Thread lizvlx
Hello. Thanks Felix for writing such a beautiful note. Me and Hans just learned about his severe cancer diagnosis yesterday from a mutual friend. We had been friends and sometimes partners in work (Kingdom of Piracy) in the 90ies and early 2000s. Later on, we ended up not getting along so