Digital Commoning Practices

Following last week Open Source Audio Stream, we begin the new phase Intersecting Commons Lecture series:

First Session: Intersecting Commons

11.03.2021 7pm-9pm 
Activation with Selena Savic in discussion with Station of Commons Juan Gomez & Gregoire Rousseau.

11.03.2021 8pm-9pm 
Rethinking the common: Exploring the potentialities of space commoning
by Stavros Stavrides

If commoning is about complex and historically specific processes through which representations, practices and values intersect in circumscribing what is to be shared and how in a specific society, where can we locate the potentialities of space commoning? Based on the view that commoning practices are characterized both by the means they employ and by the subjects that participate in them, this presentation will explore how inhabited space may become a shaping factor of solidarity and collaboration relations between commoners.

12.03.2021 7pm-8pm 
Unsettling the Universal: Really Useful Commoning
by Dubravka Sekulic

Feminism, reminds us Lola Olufemi “is a political project of what could be.” Commons can be understood along similar lines. Both have to be understood as verbs, concepts that do, unsettle and transform, ways we are in the world. Thinking at the intersection between digital and urban, in my talk I will propose a reading of the public library as an important node in the feminist and commoning consciousness raising operation. 

13.03.2021 7pm-8pm 
Variations of Gender and Technology Trouble
by Cornelia Sollfrank

Technofeminism is based on two basic assumptions: 1) technology is not neutral and 2) technology is a highly gendered field. These presuppositions open up a field of questions, problems and related practices. Based on selected positions in theory and practice, the talk exemplifies some of the tensions and openings from which to rethink ways of encountering the current technopolitical crisis. Commoning here serves as a framework for the process of vision and implementation, of experimentation and evaluation, of responding to the contemporary condition by creating new forms, formats and formations and questioning them again.

Next week will continue with another lecture series on "Commoning education" with Femke Snelting, Jara Rocha & Martino Morandi, Gregoire Rousseau and Nora Sternfeld, Marcell Mars.


Research project on digital commoning practices,
© 2020 / Station of Commons.
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