Interesting ... and frightening. You don't stop messiahs, & they don't stop at 

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Vladimir Putin: a miracle defender of Christianity or the most evil man?
Tim Costello
Sat 5 Mar 2022 

The Russian president’s Orthodox faith is central to his worldview but he has 
used it to justify invasion and violence in God’s name

What has been missed among Vladimir Putin’s ranting about Ukraine and Nato is 
the religious dimension in his thinking. 

With Russia invading Ukraine, its president, Vladimir Putin , has been painted by many in 
the western media as the most evil man in the world.

Commentators are asserting that this premeditated act is evil. I do not 
disagree. To see a war in Europe nearly 80 years after the end of the second 
world war is unthinkable. What other words describe such violence and the man 
who singlehandedly has authorised this assault? Now that Putin has twice raised 
the chilling proposition of nuclear weapons – referring to Russia as “one of 
the most powerful nuclear states” and later ordering that nuclear forces be 
placed on “special alert” – the global images of a trip wire to nuclear 
armageddon are disturbing our equanimity. What other word but evil captures 
this? In contemplating this I think there has been a missing dimension in 
naming Putin’s messianic and religious pretensions. And as a minister of the 
gospel, this perspective has caused me deep heartache.

At a personal level I have been required to reflect on my memories of the man 
and whether I sensed I was in the presence of evil. Back in 2013 I had a 
meeting with Putin in his dacha two hours out of Moscow. It went for over an 
hour and half. He was courteous and inquisitive and even agreed to some of the 
requests we were making. I and the delegation of three others came away 
thinking he could be reasonable. None of us thought him evil. But now I wonder?

The occasion then was the G20 when Russia had the presidency and Putin was the 
first leader to invite civil society leaders to meet and participate at the 
highest level and enjoy an equal access and platform with the business G20. I 
was leading the Australian delegation and we urged him to stop beating up 
Russian NGOs and to widen the space for civil society dissension and debate. 
Amazingly he did not disagree.

As I think back there were some interesting clues. We waited in an ante room 
for the meeting under a picture of the first Crimean war. All I knew about that 
was the story of Florence Nightingale, not why it was fought and even who won. 
Putin’s aide told us that the 1853-56 war was personal for Putin and Russians 
remembered it as if it was just yesterday. Christian Russia had been shocked 
that the Christian west had sided with Muslim Turks and defeated them. I 
thought of this later when in 2014 Putin annexed Crimea and rode roughshod over 
sovereign Ukrainian territory.

In our meeting with Putin, he said that he was insistent that young Russians 
start going back to church. He wore a cross around his neck and I later learned 
he had been secretly baptised by his mother as his father was an atheist. He 
seemed fascinated that I was a reverend and questioned me about faith. I pushed 
the envelope and raised why he had sentenced Pussy Riot for singing in the 
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow
 and he said the church had been deeply offended. I said but a church, despite 
its offence, believes in the primacy of forgiveness not punishment for a 
blasphemy, and he looked at me with blinking incomprehension as if to say why 
would they forgive? But did I sense I was in the presence of evil? No.

He has little understanding of Jesus, who said ‘blessed are the peacemakers’

We have heard a lot of ranting from Putin about the threat to Russia from Nato 
encirclement and justifications for the invasion to denazify Ukraine  and stop their genocide of Russians. 
This is all propaganda and nonsense. What has been missed is the religious 
dimension in Putin’s thinking, although in delegitimising Ukraine, he did refer 
to it as an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space.

This spiritual space is an important clue often overlooked. In 988 Vladimir 
king of the Rus was the first Christian convert. In Kyiv he summoned the whole 
city to the banks of the Dnieper River for a mass baptism. Holy Mother Russia 
was born. In 2019 the Ukrainian church broke with the Russian church and 
declared its independence. But Putin and the Russian church will not accept 
this because it is the site of the imagined mother church for all the Rus.

I was encouraged to read that some 176 Russian Orthodox priests a 
few days ago had signed an open letter condemning the war. This is a small 
crack in Putin’s complete capture of the church within Russia. Such signs of 
dissent point to a recovery of the Gospel of peace and transcends the Rus 
religious tribe.

Despite the Bolshevik years, this sense of a holy destiny of Kyiv and Mother 
Russia has never left and Putin is its champion. Under Putin the Orthodox 
church has boasted that it is building and opening three churches a day, and 
the church celebrated the return of Crimea. Little wonder the Orthodox 
Patriarch Kirill a decade ago called Putin “a miracle of God”.

And in Putin’s mind it goes further.

Just as he probed me about Christianity  in the west, he reportedly said 
in a speech in 2013: “We see many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually 
rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis 
of western civilisation. They are denying the moral principles and all 
traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual.”

Kyiv must be taken, in his mind, to preserve the Christian battle. And there 
may be many Christians in the west who agree with some of his sentiments.

A miracle defender of Christianity or the most evil man? Well, it is Ukrainian 
Christians among others whom he is now slaughtering indiscriminately and he has 
little understanding of Jesus, who said “blessed are the peacemakers”.

No, this is a power vision threaded through with nationalistic Christian 
theology. And evil is the right word when a leader uses religion to justify in 
God’s name invasion, violence and annihilation.

 (Rev.) Tim Costello is a fellow at the Centre for Public Christianity in Sydney

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