Re: nettime nottime: the end of nettime

2015-04-06 Thread Molly Hankwitz
Dear Ted and Felix,

Well, I started reading from the most recent and *shocked* replies, and
then, I went back to find this long email.
Crazy, but, I was just thinking, something I do occasionally - :') (about
two days ago) about the fact that nettime
STILL has the old, grey email interface and the form of a listwhen Mark
Zuckerberg and his cohorts have dazzled 9 billion people - like burgers -
to add content - because its more exciting, hogs up more bandwidth, acts
like Reality TV and spreads ad sprawl globally... and I thought, 'hmmm, its
kind of a good thing, kind of a relief, kind of wonderful that nettime is
still nettime and there are few content-delivery expectations, and there
are some half way interesting arguments, texts, writings, reviews...

This is such a cop out not a confession of radical/unradical ...well,
thanks for keeping the list alive but please, don't tell us, after
running a low tech internet list for almost 20 years,  that the reason you
are folding is because the Internet
is post and there are not enough pictures on nettime...I thought
 low-tech, high-concept was the know? Not multimedia to
use a 90s term.  I thought
this was what made nettime cool, not measuring it against snailmail...I
thought SLOW MEDIA was good media...and wouldn't some younger people, if
you two have gotten tired, to take over some of the list work?

I'm sad that there's no merit in the good old list seen by
so-called critics of technology...
what happens to looking to nettime for something crisp to be said about


I'm confused

Molly Hankwitz

molly hankwitz

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Re: nettime nottime: the end of nettime

2015-04-06 Thread Kevin Flanagan
   A reassuring side effect of announcing the death of someone or
   something whether it be an April fool prank or not is that people you
   don't know turn up for the funeral with eulogies and elegies.
   As an art student nettime was my first real encounter with an active
   critical net culture I preferred to listen and learn and have never
   actively contributed but please do not mistake silence for absence,
   clearly there are many of us here who value nettime. It has for me
   always been a source for provocation and inspiration. It's great to see
   so many nettimers here. Thank you all. I hope we will continue to
   celebrate the spirit of nettime together for some time to come.
   Kevin Â

   On 6 April 2015 at 22:28, Kruno Jost [1] wrote:

  People who just (or mostly) read on-line do not deserve the creepy
  designater - lurker.

 Thank you David for this observation,
 this is my first post after reading (lurking) for some years and doing
 it passionately. Nettime list is research and study material, much
 more alive than any blog or social media. It is a living portal. And
 am glad to see so many people I know here, and so many people I will
 get to know in the future.

   For P2P Foundation related messages please contact me at
   Skype: kev.flanagan
   Phone: +353 87 743 5660



#  distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission
#  nettime  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
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nettime Krisis new issue online *Pirates and Privateers* (2015-1)

2015-04-06 Thread Daniël de Zeeuw
The new issue of Krisis, Journal for Contemporary Philosophy,
revolves around two figures, that of the pirate and the privateer.
It explores their relevance to a critical understanding of the
gobalized present. Defying any simple opposition, the relationship
between them is simultaneously one of extreme proximity, in terms
of practice, and great distance, in terms of their relation to
sovereignty and the law. This results in an ambiguity that matches
the economic networks in which they operate, then and now. For the
pirate and privateer make their reappearance in the cracks opened
up by nation states permanently recuperating from the centrifugal
and deterritorializing forces of capital. 

From media pirates turned hacktivists to neo-privateers mooring their
vessels in tax havens and SEZs, each contribution engages these
figures from a different perspective. Sonja Schillings from that
of Agamben's theory of sovereignty, Oscar Coppieters from that of
Corporate Social Responsibility, Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle from
that of anonymity and parametric politics, and Francesca Da Rimini
and Jonathan Marshall from that of anarchist theories of (dis)order.

Also included in this issue are book reviews by Maxigas (Gabriella
Coleman, 2014: Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces
of Anonymous), Liesbeth Schoonheim (Martin Frederiksson and James
Arvanitakis eds., 2014: Piracy: Leakages from Modernity) and Jonathan
Gray (David M. Berry, 2014: Critical Theory and the Digital, and
Christian Fuchs, 2014: Social Media: A Critical Introduction).

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#  nettime  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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nettime point of information (before the end)

2015-04-06 Thread allan siegel
Sorry, but I came late to the Nettime party, I think my colleague Janos 
probably had something to do with this, and was wondering whether there are any 
founding documents that still exist? For me it would be useful to see what 
people were thinking back then when Nettime was launched and went live.

Thanks to Felix and Ted and whoever else has the archives…


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#  nettime  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
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Re: nettime nottime: the end of nettime

2015-04-06 Thread czegledy
Sincere thanks to Ted and Felix for keeping
the  often intriguing  nettime exchange alive
for all these years.  I joined in the late nineties,
and while seldom posting kept up with the
discussions faithfully.

nina czegledy

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#  nettime  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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