[drone_roundup] Weekly Roundup

2013-10-29 Thread Center for the Study of the Drone
At the Center for the Study of the Drone In the span of just over a week, two U.N. Special Rapporteurs, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch all released separate reports on military drone operations. Arthur Holland Michel compiled a one-stop summary

Misha Glenny: The Snowden leaks have weakened American control of

2013-10-29 Thread Patrice Riemens
Original to: www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/007c7ed2-3d60-11e3-9928-00144feab7de.html Leaks have weakened American control of the web By Misha Glenny, Financial Times, Oct 28, 2013. Edward Snowden’s actions are transforming global communications policy, says Misha Glenny >From the moment they appeared