Dodomenta, Diary from Kassel

2022-09-14 Thread Jo van der Spek M2M
ks to test alternative approaches to economy,
collectivity, and sustainability through the practice of lumbung. Even if
this approach is not visible at first glance, it may be noticeable at the
venues and in the programs."


Harmony and balance are valued higher than conflict and contrast. In a
sense, the lumbung collective exposes itself as such: in harmony, open, and

Not so much searching for confrontation but for meeting and exchange. Baking
mud cakes according to a Haitian traditional recipe from Kassel earth.
Bringing rituals together in niches of the St. Kunigundis (
<> Atis
Rezistans). Feeling your creative compost in the
<> Holobiente
in Karlsaue Park. So many ways to look around, and to look at yourself.

I did have some intercourse with the works, I was absorbed and overwhelmed
and warmed and all that. But it did not move, not shake, not anymore. No
wonder, when the protagonists had left the space already (I only read the
text of their statement the day after).


Just as we can blame Documenta for being colonial, we could call lumbung
naive. How could they expect the West/Europe to accept without a whisper all
collective powers invading the cultural heart of Europe? Lumbung did not
come to topple the institute or invade the Volksraum, but confronted with a
wall of shame, the lumbung saw itself forced to manifest its resilience and
orbital interdependency, by leaving Documenta behind like a fossil. Naive?
Or just a new beginning?


We are outraged, we are exhausted, but our struggle will continue.

"Lumbung Gallery is planned to extend beyond the duration of documenta
fifteen as a registered entity of its own. Collectors, public institutions
and communities are invited to form their own Lumbungs and participate in
the sharing of artworks."<>


Cheers! See you soon!


Jo van der Spek (1956)

Kassel-Amsterdam Sept. 2022



http://letterver <> public work 23 september

make it happen:

NL53TRIO0338573607 t.n.v. Stichting Migrant 2 Migrant o.v.v. LetterVerZ


Jo van der Spek M2M


Stichting Migrant 2 Migrant

Soendastraat 6 h

1094BG Amsterdam NL

Tel. +31(0)651069318 <> 


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Dodomenta, A Kassel diary

2022-09-14 Thread Jo van der Spek M2M
 alternative approaches to economy,
collectivity, and sustainability through the practice of lumbung. Even if
this approach is not visible at first glance, it may be noticeable at the
venues and in the programs."


Harmony and balance are valued  higher than conflict and contrast. In a
sense, the lumbung collective exposes itself as such: in harmony, open and
embracing.  Not so much searching for confrontation but for meeting and
exchange. Baking mud cakes according to a Haitian tradition recipe from
Kassel earth. Bringing rituals together in niches of the St. Kunigundis (
<> Atis
Rezistans). Feeling your creative compost in the
<> Holobiente
in Karlsaue Park. So many ways to look around, and to look at yourself.


I did have some intercourse with the works, I was absorbed and overwhelmed
and warmed and all that. But it did not move, not shake, not any more. No
wonder, when the protagonists had left the space already (I only read the
tekst of their statement the day after).


Just as we can blame Documenta for being colonial, we could call lumbung
naive. How could they expect the West/Europe to accept without a whisper all
collective powers invading the cultural heart of Europe? Lumbung did not
come to topple the institute or invade the Volksraum, but confronted with a
wall of shame, the lumbung saw itself orced to manifest its resilience and
orbital interdependency, by leaving Documenta behind like a fossil. Naive?
Or just a new beginning?


We are outraged, we are exhausted, but our struggle will continue.

"Lumbung Gallery is planned to extend beyond the duration of documenta
fifteen as a registered entity of its own. Collectors, public institutions
and communities are invited to form their own Lumbungs and participate in
the sharing of artworks."


Cheers! See you soon!


Jo van der Spek (1956)

Kassel-Amsterdam sept. 2022



http://letterver <> public work 23rd of september

make it happen:

NL53TRIO0338573607 t.n.v. Stichting Migrant 2 Migrant o.v.v. LetterVerZ


Jo van der Spek M2M


Stichting Migrant 2 Migrant <> 


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Re: Peter Lamborn WIlson 1945 -2022

2022-05-25 Thread Jo van der Spek M2M
Dear Konrad, Geert and Felix.

Free Radio Patapoe wants to dedicate a full hour dedicated to the legacy of
Peter Lamborn Wilson, a.k.a. Hakim Bey. We plan this for tomorrow evening
between 8 and 10 p.m. Amsterdam Time.

Radio Patapoe is an Amsterdam underground station. Formerly as a pirate on
FM, now only on the internet. Our program, every Thursday night from 8 to 10
discusses political and cultural current events in Amsterdam and the rest of
the world in historical perspective.
Bart Schut presents, in alternating cohesion with Kimbel Bouwman and Jo van
der Spek.

We use a chat tool called jitsi.

I hope you can join us tomorrow evening!

Let's Bolo Bolo!

Jo van der Spek M2M
St.Migrant 2 Migrant
Soendastraat 6 h
1094BG Amsterdam NL
Tel. +31(0)651069318

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Namens Konrad Becker
Verzonden: dinsdag 24 mei 2022 17:16
Onderwerp:  Peter Lamborn WIlson 1945 -2022

Peter Lamborn Wilson died in his apartment in Saugerties in upstate New York
last night, reportedly from a heart attack. 

A "Cyberguru" in the nineties he had no email address and wrote his pieces
by hand, or an old typewriter. With 70+ books and titles like "Pirate
Utopia" he inspired several generations.  However, his visceral abhorrence
of digital media was softened by his clever use of resources in a digital
savvy environment. As the author of "Temporary Autonomous Zone" he was guest
at the inauguration of Public Netbase and a regular visitor here in Vienna. 

Sadly, despite his personal integrity, his fame and colorful queer identity
also triggered offending smears and innuendo hard to oppose. In his last
months he spoke self-depreciatingly of himself as an old hippy, maybe he
was, I just wish there were more of this kind. While many drift into
senility in their early forties, he was bright as a button until his last
day and had more clever things to say about the electronic media realm than
most of the new media experts I ever met.

Following up on his contribution to the book "Digital Unconscious - Nervous
Systems and Uncanny Predictions!" and with the support of Autonomedia, Felix
Stalder and me ventured into a series of deeper inquiries into the fabric of
media un/consciousness. 

There is a general narrowing and flattening of the imagination due to the
global spread of consumerism and the increasing abstraction and
quantification through which the social world is constructed. PLW work can
be understood as an exploration of alternative ways of being in the world
that could offer escape routes. 

We, by way of Jim Flemming and Fred Barney Taylor, conducted the last
interview just a few days ago. In his last interviews he liked to talk of
the end of the world which he defined as an ongoing process. His lucid
analysis what went wrong in the last few thousand years was not defeatist
but a call to arms. 

As he liked to say: Even if you are going to die tomorrow, plant a tree
today. The rebellious spirit of PLW and his alter Ego Hakim Bey will be
immensely missed.

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Re: Anonymous movement in decline?

2014-01-06 Thread Jo van der Spek M2M
contributing to this line of thinking:

The most striking demand of the Amsterdam-based movement of 
refugees-on-the-street, operating since september 2012 under the name We Are 
Here, is both radical and banal:

Normal Life.

Makes one think, no? 

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We are free, in the camp

2012-06-10 Thread Jo van der Spek M2M

"We are free because we are together"

The third protest camp of refugees-on-the-street took place last month
in Ter Apel NL, in front of the big complex for processing asylum
seekers and undocuemnetd migrants. The camp is a form of autonomous
action by a collective of victimized and criminalised men and women.
It is not a new tactics in the global social movement of migrants, but
for The Netherlands it constitutes an important step ahead. For Dutch
activists it is very encouraging to be able to join directly with the
people whose rights they have been trying to defend for years. And
we could join them in the way of the activist: initiating a concrete
and radical action to make a different way of looking at migration

From the perspective of the undocumented migrants, there was hardly

any alternative left. The choice for many is between detention and
leading a miserable life on the street, after exhausting all your
reserves and the generosity of your friends. Many have no way of
leaving the country. They cannot go to Germany or Belgium and if they
do so legally they will be returned (based on the Dublin Claim rule).
Moving on to Canada or USA is a wish but expensive and complicated if
you don't have some connections already. So if you have really good
reasons for not going back to your country of origin, to your mother,
to your old friends and to the naturalness of social life, than you
have to do something drastic to stop going crazy and losing your

A powerful illustration came when the riot police came to arrest the
mostly Somali refugees in the camp, after the Iraqi's had consented to
accept shelter and give up the camp. The Somali brothers lined up in
front of the TV-camera's, they looked straight into the lens, standing
tall. They raised their writsts and held them up in the air, crossing
their wrists as if hand-cuffed. With all the agony and anger their
message was for me: "You can come and get me, motherfuckers. You can
put me in prison, but my mind is free." Their yelling "Human Rights"
and "We don't go" and their passive resistance to the intimidation by
police violence was impressive for those who were with the Somali's,
Irani's and others who were all arrested in the end (total 117). We
were 3 or 4 activists, the old doctor Co and myself. This exclusive
image of power and pride was indeed very uplifting. These are the guys
you can practice real solidarity with. No dependency but equal exhange
here. No charity but true collaboration.

That is why I look forward to the next camp!

Jo M2M

Sounds of the Camp including the eviction on the 23rd of May can be heard at 
M2M Radio

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Help Iraqi resistance in Ter Apel (NL)

2012-05-10 Thread Jo van der Spek M2M
On the 8th of May 2012 refugees-on-the-street again started a camp  
outside the Collective Center at Ter Apel in the north of the  
Netherlands These migrants are supposed to return voluntarily to their  
country, because the Dutch government believes that they are not in  
danger there. However the government in Iraq refuses to take them back  
if they are forced. So they have nowhere to go to, no right to be here  
and no way to go there. But they act together for a chance to live and  
live better than before.

Finally it is not the USA that invades The Hague, in order to prevent  
the application of international justice to American citizens-  
soldiers. No, it's Iraqi citizen-migrants occupying common ground in  
the north of the Netherlands in an effort to force a radical change in  
the application of human justice to migrants that are so far denied  
acces and basic rights.

This act of occupation by a fast growing number of mainly Iraqi  
refugees-on-the-street is well timed and also well suited to create an  
uplifting  experience amidst the general lethargy that still covers  
Holland like  a blanket of mental smog.

Like so many times before in history an external agent, through an  
unexpected and autonomous action, is now intervening in the Dutch   
political landscape, at a moment that everyday political life is in a  
highly unstable state: no government, a parliament trying to gain  
legitimacy and a queen dying to hand over sovereignty to her son. The  
direct cause for this current limbo lies in  the response to the  
economic recession and the European conditions  forcing even a rich  
country like Holland to take extreme measures of austerity. However,  
the cornerstone of change, the hinge on which the minds and hearts of  
a significant section of youth and mindful adults may move, is the  
approach towards migrants and world affairs in general. Poverty is  
moving in and migrants are dying on the shores of Europe. Soon we will  
be drifting  together if we don't take drastic action.

We now see the face of globalization reflected in the mirror that  
Brussels and Ter Apel are holding up for us to see. We see Geert  
Wilders as just another make-over of Batman, unmasking himself as just  
another copy cat of Pim Fortuyn, only adding to the pitiful  
frustration of the merciless masses voting for him, proving once again  
time for messiah is over. One man will not make the difference. Ask  

Finally the Joker hits back. After two exercises last winter led by  
Somali brothers and sisters camping in the cold outside the  
deportation  complex of Ter Apel, now the weather is fine and time is  
ripe for the  real thing. These poor asylum seekers, strangled by  
foreign police  and immigration service IND, mentally broken by the  
thousands in administrative detention, suffocated by laws and lawyers,  
made  dependant on charity and church, are finally showing who they  
really are: human! They can really move! They are not victims but  

They can be tourists like you and me!

So let us not help the occupiers in Ter Apel. Let us not support them,  
don't give them tents, blankets or telephone credit. Do not bring your  
redundant laptops, I-pads or even worn-out  army boots and leather  
jackets to their field of honour. No, embrace their exemplary  
autonomous action, join Ali Aziz and Hadi Abu Sanad like in the 16th  
century we embraced the House of Orange, invading the Dutch swamps at  
nearby Heiligerlee. Temperature is rising, parliamentary politics is  
exhausted, corporate business is selling out to China's communists and  
Mexican coke dealers.

We got to save ourselves.

We are  here, we the people, we make the difference, we have no  
borders to cross, we have no cross other than our own indulging in  
apathy. Let's throw it off and start the summer. Leave your squat and  
camp out. Send your children abroad after the exams and restore  
disorder at home.

Forget your mortgage, bury your debts and love your neighbour.

Let migrants invade this place and help us chase away the ghosts of  
Rawagade, Srebrenica, the Schiphol Fire and most of all the mist of  
mental misery hanging over us.

Jo van der Spek

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Welcoming the Iraqi invasion of Holland

2012-05-10 Thread Jo van der Spek M2M
On the occasion of the action by refugees-on-the-street who started a camp 
outside the Collective Center at Ter Apel in the north of the Netherlands on 
the 8th of May, Jo van der Spek of M2M wrote the following column. These 
migrants are supposed to return voluntarily to their country, because the 
Dutch government believes that they are not in danger there. However the 
governemnt in Iraq refuses to take them back if they are forced. So they 
have nowhere to go to, no right to be here and no way to go there. But they 
act together for a chance to live and live better than before. Why not?

Welcoming the Iraqi Invasion Act

Finally it is not the USA that invades The Hague, in order to prevent the 
application of international justice to American citizens- soldiers. No, 
it's Iraqi citizen-migrants occupying common ground in the north of the 
Netherlands in an effort to force a radical change in the application of 
human justice to migrants that are so far denied acces and basic rights. 
This act of occupation by a fast growing number of mainly Iraqi 
refugees-on-the-street is well timed and also well suited to create an 
uplifting  experience amidst the general lethargy that still covers Holland 
like  a blanket of mental smog.

Like so many times before in history an external agent, through an 
unexpected and autonomous action, is now intervening in the Dutch  political 
landscape, at a moment that everyday political life is in a highly unstable 
state: no government, a parliament trying to gain legitimacy and a queen 
dying to hand-over sovereignty to her son. The direct cause for this current 
limbo lies in  the response to the economic recession and the European 
conditions  forcing even a rich country like Holland to take extreme 
measures of austerity. However, the cornerstone of change, the hinge on 
which the minds and hearts of a significant section of youth and mindful 
adults may move, is the approach towards migrants and world affairs in 
general. Poverty is moving in and migrants are dying on the shores of 
Europe. Soon we will be drifting  together if we don't take drastic action.

Finally we see the face of globalization reflected in the mirror that 
Brussels and Ter Apel are holding up for us to see. We see Geert Wilders as 
just another make-over of Batman, unmasking himself as just another copy cat 
of Pim Fortuyn, only adding to the pitiful frustration of the merciless 
masses voting for him, proving
once again time for messiah is over. One man will not make the difference. 
Ask Obama.

Finally the Joker hits back. After two exercises last winter led by Somali 
brothers and sisters camping in the cold outside the deportation  complex of 
Ter Apel, now the weather is fine and time is ripe for the  real thing. 
These poor asylum seekers, strangled by foreign police  and immigration 
service IND, mentally broken by the thousands in administrative detention, 
suffocated by laws and lawyers, made  dependant on charity and church, are 
finally showing who they really are: human! They can really move! They are 
not victims but actors!

They can be tourists like you and me!

So let us not help the occupiers in Ter Apel. Let us not support them, don't 
give them tents, blankets or telephone credit. Do not bring your redundant 
laptops, I-pads or even worn-out  army boots and leather jackets to their 
field of honour. No, embrace their exemplary autonomous action, join Ali 
Aziz and Hadi Abu Sanad like in the 16th century we embraced the House of 
Orange, invading the Dutch swamps at nearby Heiligerlee.Temperature is 
rising, parliamentary politics is exhausted, corporate business is selling 
out to China's communists and Mexican coke dealers.

We got to save ourselves.
We are  here, we the people, we make the difference, we have no borders to 
cross, we have no cross other than our own indulging in apathy. Let's throw 
it off and start the summer. Leave your squat and camp out. Send your 
children abroad after the exams and restore disorder at home.

Forget your mortgage, bury your debts and love your neighbour.
Let migrants invade this place and help us chase away the ghosts of 
Rawagade, Srebrenica, the Schiphol Fire and most of all the mist of mental 
misery hanging over us.

Jo van der Spek 

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