Re: Rebecca Solnit: Call it what it was: a coup attempt (The Guardian)

2021-01-07 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

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Rebecca Solnit: Call it what it was: a coup attempt (The Guardian)

2021-01-07 Thread Patrice Riemens

Original to:

Call it what it was: a coup attempt
Rebecca Solnit

I call it a coup attempt because, though I assume that it will not 
prevent the Biden presidency, it certainly intended.

‘On Wednesday, a coup attempt was led by the president of the United 
States. A rightwing mob attempted the coup in the form of a violent riot 
that stormed the Capitol building. They disrupted the proceedings that 
would have completed the recognition of the election of Joe Biden and 
Kamala Harris. Those proceedings had been disrupted earlier by elected 
officials bringing forth bad-faith claims that the election was not 
legitimate and should instead produce a continuation of Trump’s 
presidency. This too was a coup attempt, an attempt to violate the 
constitution and override the will of the voters in this election. 
Inside and outside were two faces of the same thing, and both were 
fomented by the leaders of the Republican party and by the US president. 
The mob outside would not exist without the politicians inside. Those 
insiders will make noises of horror and repudiation, but they own this.

Had Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders recognized the 
legitimate winner of the election in early November, had there been no 
challenge to a legitimate election from inside the government, there 
would have been no mob. Having failed to suppress enough votes to 
guarantee a Republican presidential victory, the Republican party and 
the Trump administration decided to try to suppress them retroactively. 
Trump invited the mob and whipped it up for months and set it off today, 
as surely as if he’d lit a bomb’s fuse.

I call it a coup attempt because, though I assume it will not prevent 
the Biden presidency, it certainly intended to, and is part of a 
campaign to delegitimize and thereby weaken the incoming administration. 
It was a long time coming, building up for years with white rage, 
especially white male rage fueled by everyone from Trump himself to the 
National Rifle Association, Fox News and the various rightwing pundits, 
the Republican party, the various faces of white supremacy, and the 
far-right groups such as the Proud Boys. It is a rage against the fact 
that other people might be equal under the law, that women and people of 
color might also govern as power begins to be distributed more equally, 
the same rage that attempted to delegitimize a black president with 
birtherism and obstruction. It is a rage against equality.

Democracy is a set of agreements to make decisions together and respect 
the outcome whether you like them or not. The kind of violence we saw on 
Capitol Hill is authoritarian, a way to try to force other people to 
submit to the will of the perpetrators. This violence comes from the 
white men who were long the only people with power in this country 
imagining themselves as marginalized and oppressed outsiders because 
others might also have power and a voice. We saw these kind of men last 
summer, when they invaded the Michigan capital while carrying 
semiautomatic rifles and saw them again when a handful of them were 
arrested for a plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. We saw 
them in racist shootings from the Texas border to a Pennsylvania 

This coup attempt was built by the more and more uninhibited ideology of 
violence we have seen again and again, in the mass shootings that became 
a norm in 21st-century America, the fetishization of guns and gun rights 
that made the killing machines and the death they inflict far more 
common, so that death by gun recently overtook death by car as a leading 
American way to die.

As I write, I hear a Republican leader on TV say “Remember we are the 
party of law and order,” and, of course, the riot going on in the 
Capitol is technically lawless, but “law and order” as a rightwing 
slogan means that they are the law and they impose their version of 
order. Authoritarianism is always an ideology of inequality: I make the 
rules, you follow them, I change them at will and punish those who don’t 
obey, or, if I feel like it, those who do because I can. Frank Wilhoit 
once said: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition … There 
must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside 
out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” They are 
demonstrating that nothing binds them and that they expect to have 
whatever they want. Entitlement is too demure a word for this.

Authoritarianism is always an ideology of inequality: I make the rules, 
you follow them, I punish those who don’t obey
What is at stake in America today is the outcome of an election. But 
it’s also the rule of law and the rights of voters. And in the end it’s 
also about the authority of facts and evidence and history and science, 
that no one has the right to override those things for personal gain. 