 You may want to read this first, Greg Yudin in Open Democracy, just two days 
before the war:

 'A fascist regime looms in Russia - interview with Greg Yugin 
 Moscow sociologist Greg Yudin on Putin’s unleashed power apparatus and the 
political motives behind the attack on Ukraine 
 Interview: David Ernesto García Doell 
 Greg Yudin is a philosopher and sociologist at the Moscow School of Social and 
Economic Sciences. Two days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, he 
anticipated quite exactly what would happen, in an article for Open Democracy 
 Greg Yudin is still in Moscow; he was hospitalized by security forces during a 
protest in the days after the war began. Yudin has long warned against Putin’s 
aggressive claim to power, which makes a military confrontation with NATO 
increasingly likely. In the interview, he describes the power mechanisms by 
which Putin’s system is based, the rapid transformation of Russian society into 
a pre-fascist order and the prospects for the anti-war movement. 
 Two days before the offical war started you were one of the few intellectuals 
to warn of a war of this scale. While a lot of leftists still thought it is 
about the annexion of the Donbas, you predicted a war that would be centred on 
Kiev, Kharkiv and Odessa. How did you come to this assessment? 
Greg Yudin: I have been warning about this war for two years. But I was 
certainly not alone to see it approaching – initially there were people who 
study Russian politics and later on the experts in Russian military were 
ringing the bells, too. But many experts were dismissing or even ridiculing the 
real chance of a major war, and the reason was not that they are somehow 
incompetent but that they proceeded from the wrong assumptions. Unfortunately, 
it doesn’t look like they are learning the lesson, for today they are loudly 
ruling out nuclear escalation, working from the same erroneous premises. 
 The main mistake was the assumption that Putin would definitely be worse off 
after invading Ukraine than he was before, and that this must influence his 
calculations. However, Putin weighed the cost of war against the cost of 
inaction. It was pretty clear to him that he would very soon find himself in a 
hopeless situation if he did not start this military operation now. 
 Present-day Russia is a Bonapartist regime, very similar to the French regime 
of 1848–1870 famously described by Marx, but also to the inter war Germany. It 
relies on plebiscites by benefiting from a sudden introduction of universal 
suffrage and aggressively boosts resentment and revanchism in society after a 
major defeat (in Russia’s case, after the Cold War). Ruled by a leader with 
almost unlimited power, such regimes tend to degenerate into electoral 
monarchies that repress all internal divisions and are hostile to their 
neighbors. They are economically stable, which helps them depoliticise the 
masses, trading absolute civic disengagement for relative well-being and 
supporting escapism into private life. All this leads them to become militarily 
aggressive, externalising internal conflicts, overestimating threats from the 
outside and ending up bolstering strong military alliances against them. They 
are driven by suicidal tendencies and are heading inevitably towards defeat – 
but that comes at a high price for everyone, especially now, in the nuclear 
 No price is too high for Putin to gain control of Ukraine, for he believes to 
be existentially endangered by what he calls an »anti-Russia« at his borders. 
 After Putin turned Russia into a virtual monarchy with his constitutional 
referendum in 2020 and attempted to kill his only political opponent, Alexei 
Navalny, it was clear to me that he was nurturing a plan for a major war. Since 
the very existence of a large and culturally close state nearby with a 
political regime that is backed militarily by the United States is seen by 
Putin as existentially threatening, it became obvious he would start a war to 
conquer Ukraine if he fails to subdue it peacefully. No price is too high for 
Putin to gain control of Ukraine, for he believes to be existentially 
endangered by what he calls an »anti-Russia« at his borders. In addition, Putin 
was facing declining popularity at home, particularly amongst young people, and 
would likely have faced a resistance movement very soon. He needs to be sure he 
can suppress it at any cost. 
 What can you say about the repression and the prospects of the anti-war 
 The anti-war movement was successful in showing a split in Russian society. 
People who have protested in the streets or made public statements against the 
war made it obvious that there is a significant part of Russian society that 
rejects this war and considers it to be not only a crime against Ukraine but 
also a betrayal of Russia’s interests. In the early days when opinion polls 
still made some sense (they no longer do when one faces up to 20 years in 
prison for simply calling this »special military operation« a war), they 
suggested that up to 25 percent of Russians opposed this military action. This, 
I think, is a considerable success. 
 But the protests have stalled. It is not even the repression that is 
preventing them but rather the lack of organisation. Putin was smart enough to 
destroy all political or civil organizations and networks before he started the 
war. It is incredibly difficult to organise here; you are immediately arrested 
by the police or beaten up by the state-sponsored thugs. The lack of 
organisation is demoralising. People are willing to risk their lives, despite 
the new laws and increased police violence. But it’s hard to do that when one 
sees no way to achieve something. Putin always wins by spreading helplessness. 
 In an interview with Robin Celikates for taz 
<!5838965/> you 
compared today’s situation with 1938, when Germany annexed Sudentenland. This 
comparison is highly controvercial since it feeds into the narrative that puts 
Putin in line with Hitler, while George Bush was never described in the same 
way when he invaded Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands people. 
 The Hitler comparison was unfortunate for many years and I never supported it. 
It was meant to scare the audience by identifying Putin with radical evil. 
Putin was much closer to Napoleon III or perhaps to Franco, if one wanted to 
emphasise his ruthlessness. This doesn’t mean that he was »not bad enough«, but 
rather that it was a different kind of repressive authoritarian regime. 
 The situation in Russia has changed, and I am not sure everyone outside Russia 
understands that. There is an ongoing shift from authoritarianism to 
 But now the situation in Russia has changed, and I am not sure everyone 
outside Russia understands that. There is an ongoing shift here from 
authoritarianism to totalitarianism. It is a question of how society is 
politically structured and what power relies on. In other words, it is not a 
question of quantity, but of quality. And in this regard, yes, just very 
recently there are clearly more similarities whith what is classically 
described as fascism. 
 n Germany we have a very strict conceptualisation of fascism and nazism, the 
latter always linked to an eliminatory antisemitism. Intellectuals in Germany 
like Felix Jaitner rather analyse Putin’s regime with Marx’s and Poulanzas’s 
framework of »Bonapartism«, something between military dictatorship and 
 The obsession with the essence of the Ukrainian nation and its equivalence to 
the Russian nation is what stands out as a particularly Nazi element rather 
than just a fascist one. As anecdotal evidence, I should add that it was long 
known that there are a lot of admirers of Mussolini among the Russian elites. I 
would also recommend to read Putin’s article in the National Interest of 2020 
 in which he explains the causes of the Second World War. Try to find how many 
times he blames Germany for this war in this article, compared to Poland. As 
for antisemitism, there is no explicit antisemitic element in the regime right 
now. But there is a lot of tacit antisemitism in Russia, and it is mostly 
concentrated in the secret services, which now have the upper hand. 
 Do you see the Z Movement as an indicator of the qualitative shift towards 
 The Z sign was adopted from the Russian military vehicles in Ukraine (vehicles 
belonging to the Western military district have Z signs because of the Russian 
word for the West – »Zapad«), it was promoted by state propagandists who 
certainly know that it looks like a half swastika. Some older people were 
utterly terrified by this sign, which immediately reminded them of their 
childhood. Now the Z signs are found on the doors of anti-war activists, along 
with threats, which indicates that there is a group of Nazis among the siloviki 
(members of secret police and security forces; note ak), and they now have the 
backing to do such things. 
 Even more chilling are the Z shaped installations that people all over Russia 
are forming with their bodies. Not only civil servants, but also children in 
schools and kindergartens are told to assemble in a Z shape and hail Putin. At 
the sight of such a »Z«, formed by terminally ill children or by kneeling 
toddlers, it is hard not to think of Nazi Germany. 
 Another troubling dynamic is the introduction of the outright propaganda in 
educational institutions, from universities to kindergartens. Putin’s view of 
Ukrainian history is now being hammered into children’s heads. This was never 
the case before: despite some worrying developments in history teaching, it was 
never required to share the official judgment of history, let alone Putin’s 
delirious theories. 
 The fascist mobilisation of society takes place primarily at the level of 
political symbolism? 
 One must add the unleashed violence to this picture. Since the beginning of 
the anti-war protests, there is already numerous evidence of beatings, torture 
and sexual assaults at police stations. While police violence is certainly not 
new to Russia, these developments indicate a possible shift to a new level. 
There is also a total crackdown on independent media now – just on Monday the 
last independent journal Novaya Gazeta, whose editor received the Nobel prize 
last year, closed, so there are virtually no independent media anymore. Those 
that remain are inaccessible from Russia and officially labled either »foreign 
agents« or »extremist organizations«. 
 Finally, the most alarming element of this new potentially totalitarian setup 
is the ideological turn Putin has taken since the first days of war: his new 
narrative of the »denazification« of Ukraine. The accusation that the Ukrainian 
authorities are supporting the extreme right has been pervasive in Russian 
official discourse for some time – and not entirely unfounded. In February, 
however, it turned into purely essentialist rhetoric, implying that Ukrainian 
essence, which is allegedly Russian by nature, has been contaminated by some 
Nazi element. Therefore, it is the task of the Russian army to purge Ukraine 
from this Nazi element. The Russian Ministry of Defense is already talking 
about setting up »filtration« procedures in the occupied territories. And since 
Ukrainians are resisting stubbornly, the only possible explanation is that they 
were even more »nazified« than expected, which could easily lead to the 
conclusion that they deserve to be wiped out. The same »purity« narrative was 
used by Putin just a few days ago when he spoke of to the »enemy within«, the 
so-called »nation-traitors« who should be »spit out like a moth« by the Russian 
society in order to preserve its health. 
 Is it possible to quantify the Z movement? 
 It depends on how you define it. The number of people who have participated in 
the public body installations, who wear the Z sign, put it on their cars or use 
it on social media is huge. My educated guess is that it could be close to 30 
to 40 percent throughout all sectors of society. However, to call them all one 
movement is not correct. Many of them have been forced to show the sign by 
their – often state – employers. Many are not happy about it, but I have heard 
people say: »I will do whatever they want me to do if it saves my job.« People 
who do it voluntarily are far less numerous. However, some of them are truly 
 To be clear, this is exactly where the line lies between the good old Putin 
authoritarianism and a new kind of totalitarian state. As long as this movement 
is mostly staged against the will of the people, the line remains uncrossed. 
However, the passivity of the masses is truly limitless, they can be easily 
turned into an aggressive mob. 
 We have seen the stock market plunge by 40 percent in two weeks but the rouble 
has already recovered since mid-March. How long can a war economy work out in 
Russia? Won’t the social consequences of the economic downfall lead to great 
 Putin will not remain idle and wait until the crisis hits hard enough for 
Russians to turn against him. He is well aware of the risk and will therefore 
most likely try to blame the crisis on the »traitors« who are acting in concert 
with the West to harm Russia. However, if for some reason Putin fails to set 
the terror in motion and loses momentum, the parts of society that are now most 
severely hurt by the crisis are likely to team up with the elites against him. 
This could happen relatively soon. 
 What does Putin’s power base look like in economic terms? Is there a split 
within the economic elites into pro/contra war? 
 Putin was able to build a strong and robust neoliberal economy by sticking to 
the 1990s model of the unchained market. In fact, the neoliberals who were in 
power under Yeltsin are still in charge of the economy under Putin, the key 
figure being Elvira Nabiullina, the head of the Russian Central Bank. This 
neoliberal setup has some peculiarities, such as, for instance, the blending of 
private and public companies like Gazprom or Rosneft, which theoretically 
belong to the state, but in reality channel the revenues into the pockets of 
Putin’s cronies. This economic model secured impressive economic growth during 
Putin’s first decade in power and relative resilience to foreign sanctions in 
the second decade. 
 However, the growth resulted in huge inequality. Today, Russia is one of the 
most unequal countries in the world, rivaling the United States in this regard: 
In 2019, 58 percent of wealth belonged to one percent of the population, while 
the top 10 percent owned 83 percent of all wealth, according to the Swiss Bank. 
At the same time, Putin has built a trickle-down system similar to the one 
Ronald Reagan created in his time. While the elites became insanely rich and 
bought endless luxurious yachts and palaces, the general population was able to 
raise its standard of living through mortgages and consumer credit. Russia has 
disproportionately high levels of private debt, with a significant part of 
poorer families spending half their income on interest payments to banks or 
microfinance organisations. 
 Putin has made both the super-rich and the technocrats vow they will never 
engage in politics, and they don’t dare to challenge his decisions. 
 Putin’s oligarchs can be divided into two groups. Some of them are Putin’s 
long-time friends from the KGB. They share his imperialist worldview and 
probably contributed to pushing him towards this war. Another group consists of 
those people who became super-rich in the 1990s and were able to multiply their 
fortunes under Putin. They are obviously unhappy with this war, and some even 
dare to say it publicly, albeit in a subtle way. 
 However, both the super-rich and the technocrats in charge of the Russian 
economy are completely devoid of any political subjectivity. Putin has made 
them vow they will never engage in politics, and they don’t even dare to 
challenge his decisions. They are afraid of him and accept that this war is the 
fate that they are going to share with their country simply. Actually, 
Nabiullina reportedly tried to step down after the war started, but Putin 
threatened her family and forced her to stay. These people are quite 
comfortable being hostages. 
 When we wrote before the conversation, you said that Putin will invade Poland 
next. If that happens, there are two options: Either the US/NATO will let Putin 
take control over Eastern Europe or we will possibly be heding for World War 3. 
I still have difficulties imagining such a scenario, since NATO’s military 
seems so much superior to that of Russia. 
 Putin’s goal is neither a war with Ukraine nor with Poland. For him, these 
countries are either non-existent or just puppets of the United States. In the 
eyes of the Russian military command, the war is a defensive war against the 
US/NATO/West, these terms being used interchangeably. The Ukrainian territory 
is only the first step in this major war. Russian troops in Transnistria 
(separatist region in Moldovia; note ak) are already mobilised and waiting to 
establish a connection with the Russian army if it takes Odessa, which would 
mean that an invasion of Moldova would become possible. The Baltic states and 
Poland are certainly medium-term targets. It is no coincidence that Putin has 
demanded complete withdrawal of NATO troops from the countries of the former 
Warsaw Pact. 
 His military strategy is simple: threaten with nuclear weapons and seize 
territory. He believes the West to be fundamentally weak, corrupt, and 
cowardly. This attitude is extremely popular in Russia, and Putin reinforces 
it. There is a deep conviction in Russia that the West will never risk a 
nuclear conflict with Russia over a country in the East, be it Ukraine or 
Poland. What we are now seeing in Ukraine generally confirms his assessment: it 
is enough for Putin to invoke nuclear conflict to make Western Europe 
reconsider what it is willing to do to help Ukraine. 
 Putin also believes that right now he has a certain military advantage over 
the US in hypersonic weapons. He probably believes that this would be enough to 
deter the US from entering a potential nuclear confrontation. According to the 
Russian army, it has already used hypersonic missiles in Ukraine without any 
military need, which looks like a message to the West. Importantly, Putin has 
repeatedly said that this advantage will not last too long, for Americans would 
soon catch up. It means he has to capitalise on it now. 
 How can the left in Germany support the left in Ukraine and Russia in their 
current struggles? 
 I honestly believe that the world is in great danger. We know this beast from 
the inside, and we have few illusions that it will stop on its own. The left 
knows the importance of international movements during big wars. Therefore, it 
should resist the framing of this conflict in terms of nation-states, e.g. 
Russia and Ukraine, because that would only strengthen the states and further 
weaken the people. It is only through international solidarity that this beast 
can be stopped. And it should be stopped now, before it is too late. 
 One important thing to do now is to target the money of the super-rich. This 
brutal aggression has made it clear that capital goes insane when it is not 
subject to control. Putin’s success in corrupting political and economic elites 
around the world is due to his knowledge that greed and self-interest are the 
cornerstones of capitalism. He firmly believes that money can buy it all. He 
knows that liberal democracy is a sham. Putin is an ultra-neoliberal, he 
eviscerated all solidarity in Russia and replaced it with unbridled cynicism. 
That is why he is sure that no one will really interfere with his military 
plans and all sanctions will eventually be lifted, for capital only cares about 
profit. He has enough evidence of this, and Merkel’s Russia policy is a 
textbook example of how greed dominates political power in capitalism. 

 Both pieces bwo Cecile L, with thanks. She also pointed out to this stories 

 Sad times, very sad times ... 

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