Hello Nettime friends,

The below comes from the Twitter feed of journalist George Monbiot 
(@GeorgeMonbiot). It's one of the best, pithiest critiques I've seen of the 
pro-Putin/pro-Assad "left." Since it was originally a thread of tweets I'm 
preserving the format of the original by keeping the individual tweets separate.

Link to original: https://twitter.com/GeorgeMonbiot/status/1497511988322258948




For years I've been arguing with a faction within the "anti-imperialist" left, 
that is neither anti-imperialist nor distinguishable in its foreign policy 
positions from the far right. It is pro-Putin. It recycles Kremlin propaganda 
and whitewashes atrocities. 

I've been contesting its justifications of Vladimir Putin’s and Bashar 
al-Assad’s atrocities in Syria. Its attempts to justify Putin's attacks on 
Ukraine are equally shameful.

In the approach to Putin's invasion, this faction has blamed everyone but him. 
Its excuses for his imperialism happen to be identical to the Kremlin's:
It's all NATO's fault 
It's about the Azov battalion 
It's about protecting Russians from Ukrainian aggression.

The people who have amplified these excuses are not, as they claim, 
anti-imperialists. They are rightly opposed to western imperialism, but will 
bend over backwards to accommodate Russian imperialism. Some are paid stooges. 
For others it’s "my enemy's enemy is my friend."

In Syria, echoing Russian propaganda, they have excused or denied some of the 
worst contemporary atrocities on Earth: Assad's chemical weapons attacks, 
barrel bombing of civilians, mass imprisonment, torture and murder of those who 

Just as they characterised all Ukrainians who defied Russian imperialism as 
Nazis, they've characterised all Syrians who defy Assad as "head choppers". 
They have sought to delegitimise all resistance to Putin and Assad.

In trying to counter this propaganda, I’ve found myself accused, bizarrely, of 
being a “warmonger”, an “imperialist” and a “US shill”. No, it’s about trying 
to apply consistent principles. About opposing the worse examples of 
inhumanity, regardless of the perpetrator.

(For the record, I was among the very few UK journalists to oppose the invasion 
of Afghanistan. I also set up the Arrest Blair campaign, to try to hold him to 
account for his criminal war in Iraq. Never mind, I must be a western shill and 

Of course, I was not alone in calling out this appeasement. But we were few in 
number, while the pro-Putin faction has been noisy, highly visible and brimming 
with confidence and aggression. None of this has been any fun. But the 
propaganda had to be contested.

Now that Putin’s full-scale invasion has left them stranded, some of these 
people are mumbling “of course, we condemn all war.” But they haven’t and they 
don’t. For years they have carried water for Putin and other bloodthirsty 
tyrants, justifying their colonial aggressions.

True anti-imperialism is not about opposing only the west’s imperialism, 
essential as this is. It’s about opposing all imperialism, whether western, 
Russian, Chinese or other. It’s about opposing all aggressive wars, regardless 
of who’s waging them.

I’m sorry to bring all this up again. It’s uncomfortable, in fact frankly 
pretty horrible to engage with. But we do no one – except Putin and his 
acolytes – any favours by pretending it isn’t happening.


Dave Mandl
Web: http://dmandl.tumblr.com/
Twitter: @dmandl
Instagram: dmandl

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