
Thank you Prem for an extremely timely analysis and overview connecting a lot of dots that are often discussed or viewed in isolation from one another. I think in one of his last books John Le Carré plants a narrative in which British and American intelligence services conspire to cause rifts within the EU. Place this stoking of geo-political fires within the context of Brexit and a larger scenario becomes apparent; a scenario with substantial historical roots beyond the more visible conflicts of the Cold War.

So it is impossible to think of NATO as a benign political entity disconnected from the geo-political interests of the U.S. nor to ignore the intrinsic evolving tensions between the EU and the U.S. especially when the evolution of the EU itself is placed in a geo-political context that now includes Russia and China. Point being that there is a complex of historical dynamics that have surfaced now; whether in the Ukraine or Afghanistan or Iraq these states are transformed into tragic battlefields; they become the brutalised benefactors of imperial puppeteers. And while people angrily point their fingers at the complicity of Russian oligarchs what about Jeff Bezos trying to get his mega-yacht under a bridge in Rotterdam while war wages to the east. Is he and his cronies less complicit?

When you connect the dots there is a surreal reality being orchestrated by a global cast of unimaginably corrupt and avaricious oligarchs; yes, it sounds like a cliche but how else can you described these people? And so our present reality is no longer surreal but actual; a reality in which over recent decades hundreds of thousands of people have been murdered and driven into exile.

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