Re: What were the first instances of hacking 4

2016-07-26 Thread Joly MacFie
   Just noticed this

   On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Radi Pira <[2]>

 There's an example from the piracy scene that I think predates the
 Chanology leaks: the Media Defender email dump from September 15 2007 by
 the group MDD (MediaDefender-Defenders).

   Joly MacFie�  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast

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Re: What were the first instances of hacking 4

2016-07-09 Thread Radi Pira
There's an example from the piracy scene that I think predates the
Chanology leaks: the Media Defender email dump from September 15 2007 by
the group MDD (MediaDefender-Defenders).

The original leak:

News coverage:

>From the leak:

"MediaDefender-Defenders proudly presents 9 months worth of
internal MediaDefender emails

"By releasing these emails we hope to secure the privacy and
personal integrity of all peer-to-peer users. The emails
contains information about the various tactics and technical
solutions for tracking p2p users, and disrupt p2p services.

"A special thanks to Jay Maris, for circumventing there entire
email-security by forwarding all your emails to your gmail
account, and using the really highly secure password: blahbob

"So here it is, we hope this is enough to create a viable
defense to the tactics used by these companies, also there
should be enough fuel to keep the p2p bloggers busy for
quite some time."

On Wed, July 6, 2016 1:01 pm, Gabriella \"Biella\" Coleman wrote:
>Hi all,
> I am writing a piece that is trying to historicize direct action
> hacking/whistel blowing and am trying to pin point any early examples of
> hackers hacking in order to access and then leak the information/emails
> to ex pose wrong doing..

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Re: What were the first instances of hacking 4

2016-07-06 Thread Gabriella "Biella" Coleman
Hi Steve,

Thanks for raising this example. I am briefly mentioning it ... as it is
similar to what happened with ASC law... and am familiar with the case
as I used to be part of the OPG. But still the difference it was not
hackers mucking about as had been the case with ACS law. It also was
significant for giving a sense of just what an email leak could offer
but people were thankfully protected for the reasons you mention below
(ie, they acquired it legally thanks to sloppy security).

But still looking for any examples of more pure PWNAGE with a
complementary public interest leak/dump prior to Anonymous (and
excluding the Scientology example!)

All best,

On 2016-07-06 01:56 PM, Steve McLaughlin wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but the accidental leak of
> Diebold's source code and internal emails in 2003 comes to mind. It didn't
> contain a smoking gun as far as I know, just evidence of sloppy voting
> booth security.

Gabriella Coleman
Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy
Department of Art History & Communication Studies
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, PQ
H3A 0G5

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Re: What were the first instances of hacking 4

2016-07-06 Thread Gabriella "Biella" Coleman
Hi Ted,

I am not looking to historicize the phrase or word whistleblowing or
leak though that no doubt would be interesting :) Hope someone takes
that on.

I am looking for concrete examples and instances of a sub-genre of
whistleblowing: hackers breaking into a computer system *and* finding
emails/documents that are newsworthy and leaking them to the public

The exemplar examples from Anonymous are

1. ACS Law leaks (not rly resulting from a hack but... very close).
2. HB Gary leaks
3. Stratfor leaks

And then other good examples

1. CIA emails by cracka
2. Sony pictures email by GOP (even though the political motivation is
very unclear, super interesting info in there and was used by
journalists to write stories about gender disparity
3. Like all of Phineas Phisher's hacks for leaking
4. Lulzsec Peru's hack of the Peruvian gov and leaking emails with
evidence of massive government corruption that almost brought the
cabinet down.
5. Others I have collected ... (more minor and all post the Anonymous era).

There were many many website defacements and also what I would
characterize as sabotage leaks but not much in the form of public
interest leaking (and again excluding vulnerability research/data which
to be sure can take the form of a public interest hack and leak).


On 2016-07-06 11:23 AM, t byfield wrote:

> This is a great question. I guess you've used the bog-standard method
> of looking it up? Etymology is pretty old-fashioned, I know, but you
> never know what you'll turn up -- like the Oxford English Dictionary's
> attestations of the phrase 'blow the whistle' in P. G. Wodehouse
> (1934) and Raymond Chandler (1953). Granted, two examples are a pretty
> flimsy basis for constructing a theory, but already there seems like
> there might be a divide between one sense (British?) of
> announcing/introducing -- think regimental assemblies -- and another
> (American?) of a cop interrupting a crime and/or calling attention to
> it. Both of those are images are overflowing with evocative
> suggestions of space, how it's organized, and the place of different
> kinds of agency in it. Note the ambivalent present of, let's say, *the
> state*: blowing a whistle serves to mobilize or synchronize scattered
> activity or attention. There are many lots more interesting examples.
> My hunch is that you'll find the phrase paces the rise of a regulatory
> state bureaucracy.

Gabriella Coleman
Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy
Department of Art History & Communication Studies
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, PQ
H3A 0G5

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Re: What were the first instances of hacking 4

2016-07-06 Thread t byfield
This is a great question. I guess you've used the bog-standard method of 
looking it up? Etymology is pretty old-fashioned, I know, but you never 
know what you'll turn up -- like the Oxford English Dictionary's 
attestations of the phrase 'blow the whistle' in P. G. Wodehouse (1934) 
and Raymond Chandler (1953). Granted, two examples are a pretty flimsy 
basis for constructing a theory, but already there seems like there 
might be a divide between one sense (British?) of announcing/introducing 
-- think regimental assemblies -- and another (American?) of a cop 
interrupting a crime and/or calling attention to it. Both of those are 
images are overflowing with evocative suggestions of space, how it's 
organized, and the place of different kinds of agency in it. Note the 
ambivalent present of, let's say, *the state*: blowing a whistle serves 
to mobilize or synchronize scattered activity or attention. There are 
many lots more interesting examples. My hunch is that you'll find the 
phrase paces the rise of a regulatory state bureaucracy.

The default examples are Watergate and the Pentagon Papers, of course, 
but -- really surprising, IMO -- the OED's definition 1(b) for the verb 
"to leak out (fig.)"...

to transpire or become known in spite of efforts at concealment based on several citations dated 1832-1884, most of suggest or 
mention the ur-medium: rumor. As with many things, I think it's less a 
question of progress (say, in terms of novel ways to disseminate 
~privileged knowledge in documentary form) than of forgetting that leaks 
and whistleblowing, under other names, are also probably the oldest 

Just to be clear, my point isn't to reaffirm some grumpy insistence that 
nothing has changed -- everything has.


On 6 Jul 2016, at 9:01, Gabriella "Biella" Coleman wrote:

   Hi all,

I am writing a piece that is trying to historicize direct action
hacking/whistel blowing and am trying to pin point any early examples
of hackers hacking in order to access and then leak the
information/emails to ex pose wrong doing..


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