I found some .debs to install network manager 0.7.0 from CVS in the ubuntu
forums. They were dated 10/10/2006. I tried using the program to connect to
the wireless network here at school, but no dice. I followed another users
suggestion and made a symlink libdbus-1.so.2 to libdbus-1.so.3 and made sure
that wpa_supplicant was either in /sbin or linked to from /sbin (it was in
/sbin). I then ran:

sudo NetworkManager --no-daemon

in one terminal and:


in another. I got the following output from the first command:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo NetworkManager --no-daemon
NetworkManager: <info>  starting...
NetworkManager: <info>  New VPN service 'vpnc' (
NetworkManager: <info>  ath0: Device is fully-supported using driver
NetworkManager: <info>  nm_device_init(): waiting for device's worker thread
to start
NetworkManager: <info>  nm_device_init(): device's worker thread started,
NetworkManager: <info>  Now managing wireless (802.11) device 'ath0'.
NetworkManager: <info>  Deactivating device ath0.
NetworkManager: <info>  eth0: Device is fully-supported using driver 'e100'.
NetworkManager: <info>  nm_device_init(): waiting for device's worker thread
to start
NetworkManager: <info>  nm_device_init(): device's worker thread started,
NetworkManager: <info>  Now managing wired Ethernet (802.3) device 'eth0'.
NetworkManager: <info>  Deactivating device eth0.
NetworkManager: <info>  Updating allowed wireless network lists.
NetworkManager: <debug> [1172696570.353095]
nm_device_802_11_wireless_get_activation_ap(): Forcing AP 'tsunami'
NetworkManager: <info>  User Switch:
/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/ath0 / tsunami
NetworkManager: <info>  Deactivating device ath0.
NetworkManager: <info>  Device ath0 activation scheduled...
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) started...
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0/wireless): access point 'tsunami'
is encrypted, but NO valid key exists.  New key needed.
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) New wireless user key requested
for network 'tsunami'.
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) New wireless user key for network
'tsunami' received.
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0/wireless): access point 'tsunami'
is encrypted, and a key exists.  No new key needed.
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'INTERFACE_ADD
ath0               wext     /var/run/wpa_supplicant '
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'AP_SCAN 1'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'ADD_NETWORK'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was '0'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 ssid
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 proto WPA'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 key_mgmt
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 eap LEAP'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 identity
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 password
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'ENABLE_NETWORK 0'
NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure)
NetworkManager: <info>  Old device 'ath0' activating, won't change.
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0/wireless): association took too
long (>120s), failing activation.
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) failure scheduled...
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) failed for access point (tsunami)
NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0) failed.
NetworkManager: <info>  Deactivating device ath0.
sendmsg(CTRL_IFACE monitor): No such file or directory

I have no idea what this means, but it looks like it should be working??? I
have been told that the network is standard cisco LEAP here at the
University of Akron, but then again I haven't tried to talk to the top guy
in charge of the network. The school is currently having a problem with
people buying laptops with Vista as Vista will not do LEAP either, so maybe
we can convince them to use some other solution. What should I suggest  to
them that would provide good security and be easy to set up for many users?
Oh, I am using a Proxim Orinoco Gold 11a/b/g ComboCard with the Atheros
Chipset under Madwifi. Should I try ndiswrapper or is there some other card
I can get that will work natively?
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