Yikes!  I took out my ATI card and put in the nvidia card.  Would not
startx at all.  Kudzu did not recognize the change.  I then ran xfdrake,
told it I was using a generic Nvidia Geforce4.  Wouldn't startx.

I downloaded the nvidia drivers, installed them, edited my XFree config
file, and voilá!  X and 3D acceleration!  Sweet!  glxgears and that 3d
lightcycle game ran great.  Then I did 3 things:

1)  Changed the driver/module that dealt with the sound card to emuk101
or whatever in hardrake for my creative live! sound card.

2) Changed the shorewall settings to allow SSH access.

3) Then, when I was done with that, I tried to run Chromium.  This
locked my system up.  I could not do anything but wait (5 min) then
reset the computer.

The computer was totally messed up and would not startx, connect to the
internet at all (I have a cable modem and it said something about not
being able to initialize IPv6), and I also noticed that it would not
save my bash history when I restart my computer.

I think the only thing I can do is try a fresh reinstall.

But no clue what happened.

- Paul

On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 18:04, Paul Rodriguez wrote:
> Hi, I just swapped my incompatible ATI 8500 for a more compatible
> GeForce4 on recommendation of the list.  Is there any prepping I need to
> do to my system before I switch cards?  Can I just swap out the cards
> first and then install the drivers?  Or do I need to edit inittab to
> start are runlevel 3, switch cards, and install nvidia drivers, then
> switch back to runlevel 5?
> - Paul Rodriguez
> ----

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