The Russian Observer
June 30, 2001  

Seleznyov, Stroyev denounce extradition of Milosevic 

"It is the beginning of the end of Yugoslavia itself,
the beginning of the end of its statehood. For one can
give away a President or Ministers, but then what kind
of authority will that country have?" Russia
Federation Council chairman Yegor Stroyev went on
record as saying in Moscow.

In his words, each country "has the right to deal with
its Presidents on its own."

In this connection, he claimed support for the point
of view of LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who,
while commenting on the Milosevic affair, cited as a
case in point South Korea, which "jailed two of its
Presidents, but did not hand them over to the Hague

Besides, Stroyev fears that this incident "is an
attempt to create a precedent for Russia in future."

He said it was doubtful that Yugoslavian President
Vojislav Kostunica had known nothing about the
extradition. "What kind of a President is that, who
does not know what is happening in his country?" he

State Duma chairman Gennady Seleznyov claimed the
Hague Tribunal should judge NATO's supporters and
allies, which had bombed that country, not the former
FRY President, Slobodan Milosevic.

Like many other citizens of Russia, he was struck by
the news about the extradition, "under the cover of
the night," of the former Yugoslavian President. In
his view, the move was carried out "in an undemocratic
way" and in violation of the FRY legislation. He
stressed in particular that the FRY leaders had taken
the decision without advising Vojislav Kostunica as
was evident from the statement by the Yugoslavian
President himself.

                                    Serbian News Network - SNN

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