[news] European press review

2004-08-12 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review The German press debates the recent turnaround in relations with Libya, as well as compensation claims brought by the Herero people of Namibia against Germany. Russian newspapers express their concern over the dangers of soaring oil prices, as well as joining

[news] European press review

2004-08-10 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Tuesday's German papers view opposition to Chancellor Schroeder's attempt to reform the country's welfare system. The main topic in the Czech republic is the start of a four-year jail sentence by a former communist official for his role in the 1968 Soviet

[news] European press review

2004-08-09 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Monday's French dailies suggest that the days of Corsican separatism may be numbered, but warn that its more extreme elements are all the more dangerous for that. The German press looks at leading social-democrat Oskar Lafontaine's threat to Chancellor Gerhard

[news] European press review

2004-08-05 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review French papers pay tribute to renowned photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. The Spanish press comments on Gibraltar's celebrations of 300 years of British rule. A Warsaw daily wishes Russia would come to terms with a dark chapter in its history. In Germany, papers

[news] European press review

2004-08-05 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Russian papers voice varying degrees of concern over renewed tension between Moscow and Tbilisi over Georgia's two breakaway regions. Some German papers are not keen on the latest economic advice dispensed to the government by the OECD. And France's leading daily

[news] European press review

2004-08-03 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Many hail the successful outcome of a World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting in Geneva, but not all are convinced it will lead to fairer trade. The German chancellor's speech at the commemoration of the Warsaw uprising receives lukewarm responses and Czech papers

[news] European press review

2004-07-27 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Spain's papers believe the takeover of the British banking group Abbey National by a Spanish bank will boost the country's image but may take a while to produce tangible results. And French surgeons plan to head for London to highlight their own health care crisis.

[news] European press review

2004-07-26 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review In Mondays' round-up, the papers look at the reopening of an emblematic bridge in Bosnia-Hercegovina and in the Czech republic, the likely new premier comes under the spotlight. Elsewhere, Russian xenophobia and an anti-GM protest in France arouse comment, while a

[news] European press review

2004-07-23 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Two papers on Friday praise newly-elected European Commission President Jose Manuel Durao Barroso for a good first impression, but still have reservations. Elsewhere, the acquittal of six German executives in a corruption trial, the shortcomings of the former

[news] European press review

2004-07-22 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Portugal's former prime minister may be celebrating later on Thursday if he is voted in to head the European Commission, but two European papers still think he has a lot to prove. Elsewhere, the German press ponders a recent proposal to accommodate refugees in

[news] European press review

2004-07-21 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Wednesday's papers split over the European Parliament's new speaker, and also look at France's commitment to the EU and Germany's attitude to its Nazi past. The election of Spanish socialist Josep Borrell as president of the European Parliament, notes Spain's El

[news] European press review

2004-07-19 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Power politics among France's ruling elite attracts the attention of papers in Germany and Austria on Monday, while an industrial dispute in Germany itself appears to have taken a rather unusual turn. A French paper weighs up Turkey's prospects of joining the EU,

[news] European press review

2004-07-15 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review European papers analyse Lord Butler's criticism of British intelligence before the Iraq war, and several are reluctant to let Prime Minister Tony Blair off the hook. In France, personality issues appear to cloud news of a future EU referendum, while a fictional

[news] European press review

2004-07-14 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review The ruling by the European Court of Justice that EU finance ministers were wrong to let France and Germany off the hook for violating budget rules takes centre-stage in several European papers. The French daily Le Monde believes the European Commission has

[news] European press review

2004-07-12 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review "Train of hate" reads the front-page headline in France's Le Figaro, referring to Friday's anti-Semitic attack on a woman and her baby on a train just north of Paris. "The cowardice of the attackers was matched by the cowardice of the passengers," the paper says,

[news] European press review

2004-07-09 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Tensions between Spain and Britain over a nuclear submarine's visit to Gibraltar, the South Ossetia conflict, racism in France and Russia's Yukos affair are the main topics in today's European papers. 'Tensions' Newspapers in Spain see relations with Britain at

[news] European press review

2004-07-08 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review There is an air of crisis in the Russian press, with predictions of conflict with Georgia over the South Ossetia region and rumours of a possible banking crash. Elsewhere in Europe, Austrian papers look back at President Klestil's career, while a French paper sees

[news] European press review

2004-07-07 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Wednesday's papers take an interest in the British prime minister's admission that weapons of mass destruction may never be found in Iraq, and in the latest UN report on the spread of the Aids virus. Meanwhile, there is reaction to the Spanish prime minister's

[news] European press review

2004-07-06 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Tuesday's mixed bag of European topics and preoccupations includes an unusual number of ailing politicians, as well as a somewhat under-the-weather Italian budget. Germany's Die Welt says the judges at the war crimes trial of former Yugoslav President Slobodan

[news] European press review

2004-07-01 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Two high profile court cases in the Middle East stir Thursday's European editorial writers, and there is a chilling story on the lengths some will go to in Russia to get a drink. Trials, tribulations Germany's Berliner Zeitung agrees with the Iraqis' right to try

[news] European press review

2004-06-30 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review German papers today scoff at the results of the Nato summit and diagnose the Alliance's poor health. Many of Europe's papers examine the tussle between France and the United States over Turkey's place in Europe. Nato's challenges Commenting on the Nato summit in

[news] European press review

2004-06-29 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review The European dailies welcome the early transfer of sovereignty in Iraq. But they vary in their degree of optimism and many fear for the country's short-term future. 'In name only' France's Liberation devotes its whole front page and five inside pages to

[news] European press review

2004-06-21 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review The merits of the European Union constitution agreed in Brussels continue to be debated in the press, with many dubious it can be hailed an unqualified success.

[news] European press review

2004-06-17 Thread Antic.org - SNN
European press review Newspapers across Europe debate the EU summit in Brussels, where some fear differences over the next commission president could put talks on the European constitution at risk. Papers in Spain and Poland, meanwhile, wonder what the talks could mean for their own